The night was cool. The lamplights shone like forlorn torches in - TopicsExpress


The night was cool. The lamplights shone like forlorn torches in the thick fog. Ciele walked through the dense white blanket covering the city, his mind rampant. How could this have happened to him? The rage nearly blinded him, making him as mad as a bull seeing red. Only this time, the red wasnt a Matadors cloak, but the blood of his traitorous best friend. Not only had he betrayed Ciele, the wretch spit it in his face. A ball held in honor of treachery! How cruel could Kenneth be? The invitation crumpled in Cieles fist, the catalyst to the black and crimson night. As he walked, he remembered everything so clearly. They sat there together, laughing, getting closer each minute. Blood pulsed in his neck faster. He could practically hear it race through his body. Was this the thrill of a murderer? Standing on the edge of sanity and shattered mind was such a thrill. Of course, he wouldnt know if he was insane. The prospect seemed easy to believe though. Letting go of reality seemed a possibility compared to the current circumstance. The love of his life with his best friend. If there was an ultimate betrayal, theirs was it. They didnt know Ciele was aware of their guilt, but Ciele knew. He knew, and there was no denying what he saw. Elizabeth would pay as well. Their guilt would be met with their repentance in blood. Nothing else would sate Cieles burning rage. Steel glinted in his left hand, the mask in his right. The fog made him a shadow as he came close to the entrance. The knife slid away inside the folds of Cieles coat as he approached the butler attending the door. Name please, said the man, looking up to Ciele as he emerged from the fog. Ciele Ashenport. His blood pumped faster. Would the butler guess his intentions and warn his master, rendering Cieles plans worthless? The butler looked back down at the list, searching for the given name in the waning light. Ah yes, here you are. If youd please adorn your mask, you may enter. Ciele equipped the mask of Asmodeus face and walked through the ebony-black French doors. A magnificent floor expanded in front of him, leading to the staircase where one could walk to the balcony and overlook the guests in their careless mirth. The demon of vengeance lived in him though, and happiness would be the last emotion to consume him tonight. Kenneth overlooked the guests from his perch on the balcony, and Ciele took a place next to him. A truly awe inspiring masquerade, my friend. His friend turned to him, Ah, Ciele! I wondered when you would arrive! Quite the ugly mask, wouldnt you say? Yes, Ciele said flatly. I rather sympathized with the creatures smile though. Just then, Kenneth focused on a figure in the crowd. Elizabeth, no doubt, Ciele guessed. I must take my leave, Kenneth turned back to him. Enjoy yourself and maybe find a more attractive smile upon your face. A smile spread beneath the ugly mask. If only Kenneth could see how cold it was towards him though, would he sense the knowledge Ciele contained against his betrayal? Maybe only God knew the truth with Ciele. He watched them sneak away, only able to imagine what was soon to happen behind those closed doors of the office. No honest mans work was happening, that was obvious. What could Elizabeth possibly be doing if that were the case? Ciele put his ear to the door and heard the whispered voices. He quietly slipped inside. A book case hid him from their view. He removed a book from the shelf and viewed them through the newly made hole. Elizabeth leaned back against the desk, Kenneth stood in front of her, his back to the shelf. Kenneth whispered something and Elizabeth shook her head. Not yet, I must freshen myself. With that, she slipped from her engagement and left the room. Ciele waited for the door to close and stepped out. I should have guessed you for a snake. His friend spun around, startled by the hell-bent assassins sudden appearance. Oh, Kenneth! I was just checking my stocks real fast. The business of an entrepreneur can be rather strenuous as you know. Yes, hissed Ciele. As is stealing another mans betrothed as you know. Recognition crossed the other mans face. He sighed and turned to the bottle of wine behind him, taking a glass and decanting the red liquid into the new holder. I hoped you wouldnt of known quite yet. While his back was turned, Ciele revealed the blade from its warm hiding spot. I never took my closest ally as a traitor. I guess I am the jester of this story. I never-, Kenneth sputtered, spinning around to face Ciele again. He registered the new addition to his friends person and loosened his collar. Dont be hasty. Lets settle this.. Oh, I plan to. Ciele licked the blade of the knife. It tastes of bitter vengeance. Lets make it a bit sweeter. The lamp had been dampened when Elizabeth returned. She spotted the dark figure of Kenneth against the desk. She smiled and whispered his name, going to him. His shirt was sticky against her hand. A lamp lit behind her as a hand trailed down her back. A part of the story is finished, my love. Now to finish the rest. Elizabeth stared at the lacerated body of her secret lover. Ciele, did- did you do this? But of course. You were to be mine. He was my friend. He killed me, you killed me. I believe an eye for an eye is fair, dont you? She turned to him, his face smeared with blood, his eyes shaky as with fever. The knife lifted in his hand and a wicked smile spread across his face. The scream died away with the light of Elizabeths eyes. Vengeance was sealed. Now he could rest.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 02:23:26 +0000

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