“The nuclear bombing of two peaceful cities was a pure act of - TopicsExpress


“The nuclear bombing of two peaceful cities was a pure act of intimidation resulting in the deaths of several thousand Japanese civilians. So, how were the Nazis able to infiltrate the heart of American Intelligence without giving themselves away? As World War II was drawing to a close and General George Patton was making his deadly push into the heart of Europe in pursuit of Nazi forces who were beginning to realize that their fascist empire was about to crumble -- or so it seemed -- a counter-measure was put into effect by deep-level agents of the Nazi S.S. This bold and brazen plan was to effect not only an escape of the inner core of the Nazi S.S. but also to implement an infil- tration of the United States military-industrial establishment using Nazi S.S. 5th column agents in America who would be instructed to blend-in with the population and coordinate their corporate armies in preparation for a future attempt to take control of the American government from within! So, how were the Nazis able to infiltrate the heart of American Intelligence without giving themselves away? They would have to have recieved backing from a very powerful organization already operating within the confines of the American Republic. The only thing more powerful than the American govern- ment itself, the Nazis discovered, were the multi-billion-dollar corporate empires which had a considerable influence on the American political sys- tem behind-the-scenes. One of the most powerful of these financial empires had put Dwight D. Eisenhower into the presidency, as well as one of their own family members into the Vice Presidency. This financial empire was none other than the ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION. This foundation had a great deal of influence in the media and, in turn, in manipulating public opinion in favor of their own political agendas. According to the well-known International economist Dr. Antony Sutton, the Rockefellers not only helped to finance the Nazi Empire -- the Rockefellers being long-time members of Bavarian-German secret societies that were determined to rule the world by establishing a totalitarian New World Order -- but their STANDARD [EXXON] OIL company had literally provided the fuel for the Nazi War machines conquest of Europe. Nelson Rockefeller (who was later manipulated into the Vice Presidency) initially brought 3000 crack Nazi S.S. agents into the United States and gave them new identities and positions within their corporate empire, or within allied corporate structures, most of these being part of the so-called Military-Industrial Establishment. This super-secret operation was called PROJECT PAPERCLIP. Also, several former Nazi scientists from the Peenemunde Aerodynamics Institute which built the V-1 and V-2 rockets which reigned terror upon England were placed in positions of influence within these corporate/military establishments as well. read more: beyondweird/ufos/Bruce_Walton_The_Underground_Nazi_Invasion_1.html
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 21:51:26 +0000

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