The number one health issue that I see is the addiction to chaos. - TopicsExpress


The number one health issue that I see is the addiction to chaos. People are on a never ending treadmill of chaos and the second that they free up time in one place they add to it in another.. They teach their kids not to be still or learn to entertain themselves quietly but to go and to go, kids have to be entertained constantly for parents to feel successful.. Then the next generation is even more frenzied with activity.. We are seeing that play out now- we are watching the next generation.. I see one of the local dance and cheer places still doing classes at 10PM because there are so many parents that want their kids to “experience” this kind of thing just like they did.. and the ball games that are never ending.. and parents that travel and spend thousands with unrealistic expectations for greatness from their child that is less than average(that’s right- how dare someone speak such negativeness)( they see a star)(then the child grows up disappointed because they were sure they were star material). More than all of that is the brain chaos that constant activity creates and later health impact.. it doesn’t have to be dance, cheer or ball it can be constant shopping or never-ending and not reasonable park visits and perpetual “play” dates with other like minded parents.. or the never ending church commitments all instilling the idea that doing = human value.. Exhausted moms who just need to say no and - "this afternoon is quiet time and you need to entertain yourself and don’t burn the house down.. because there will be consequences".. there are consequences to every choice remember..even ignoring a choice. From a nutrition standpoint all this activity keeps families exhausted and unable to eat at home and certainly not able to prepare meals because there is just no time(now mind you the parents are just as addicted as the kids for this perpetual motion- in fact they seek it out.. ).. Many will see this post as mean and rude and not accurate but check out how much time and money you spend on chaos.. I think you will be surprised.. and you all know where you put your money and time is where your family will go.. good or bad.. so if you invest in chaos from a nutrition point of view you will be sitting in the ER waiting for word on your 30 something child’s outcome after the heart attack they just had..or watching them learn to use a needle to deliver the insulin they need to manage life.. or walk them thru the fifth miscarriage, or hold their hand as they undergo the latest chemotherapy.. all products of chaos and lack of understanding of time and energy management.. yes its harsh but if you find you are eating outside of the home(even if you bring others food home- thats still outside of the home)more than once a week you have a serious nutrition problem that will impact your health sooner or later if it has not already..
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 18:03:57 +0000

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