The number one reason is student loans debt. A very insightful - TopicsExpress


The number one reason is student loans debt. A very insightful article on what makes young Americans so apathetic towards the ruling elite and generally unconcerned and subdued by the system. This is very relevant in our part of the world, especially considering the Stop the Tuition Fees Increase strike that happened yesterday at the American University of Beirut (AUB). 1. Student-Loan Debt. Large debt—and the fear it creates—is a pacifying force. There was no tuition at the City University of New York when I attended one of its colleges in the 1970s, a time when tuition at many U.S. public universities was so affordable that it was easy to get a B.A. and even a graduate degree without accruing any student-loan debt. While those days are gone in the United States, public universities continue to be free in the Arab world and are either free or with very low fees in many countries throughout the world.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 09:36:07 +0000

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