The numbskulls who bleat on about how Islam is evil and is in fact - TopicsExpress


The numbskulls who bleat on about how Islam is evil and is in fact the root cause of terrorist attacks on the West, will be confused for a while. At least during the transitionary phase. So sick of these idiots. To them, religion is about joining a team. Im on team Christian, I hate Muslims, Islam is evil, Im on team Islam, I fight against the west, Im on team Jews, I supoport Isreal. Muppets, one and all. The same boneheaded mentality that has been the bread and butter for sociopathic leaders since the dawn of time. I suppose the Muslims will get a break if China is the new enemy, maybe. SO many people seem to think they can just pick up a copy of the Quran and understand what its all about. Well you cant. What you end up with is bloody stupid, ignorant missunderstanding. And, oh, whats that other classic i keep hearing, Why didnt God just make it plain and simple, why does it need interpreting?, if i was God, I would just say it straight out, dont do this its bad.. Facepalm. Honestly, I see people coment on other folks beleifs with bearly disgiused hatered and I know they are just ignorant, no matter how often they say they have read the Quran or the hadeith. These people dont WANT to see things another way, they WANT to have their prejudices confirmed, they WANT to read bigoted, conservative hate speaches. They WANT to beleive that our way of life, our society and our freedom is under attack. And they WANT to beleive that the enemy is different, easily identified, and not like them, less than them, irrational, sub-human. They dont want ot hear about hundreds of alternate perspectives, or a plethora of diverse beleifs within a religion. Hate is easy to spot because it is always essentialist, always looking for something that is intrinsically wrong. Always looking to simply, preferably into some kind of slogan. These people, and those that follow them, are what is wrong with every side. They are the backbone of the evil in the world no matter what religion or other beleif they claim to follow. They have asolutely no conception at all of whats going on, and no will to find out. They only want to wrap up nice and warm in their cosy feeling of belonging to the right team. Well, you dont. YOU belong to the team of international bigots and boneheads that support indescriminate killing of other folk throughout the history of the world. If Pilger is right and we are about to go to war with China, may your God forgive you.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 14:36:04 +0000

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