The odd houses as we know are Bhavat Bhavam of a pair of opposite - TopicsExpress


The odd houses as we know are Bhavat Bhavam of a pair of opposite even houses except for the 1st house which is the Bhavat Bhavam of one odd house. Lets explore the implication of this concept of being Bhavat Bhavam of a pair of opposite houses. But first lets understanding the meaning of opposite houses. Opposite houses show diametically opposite things but they support each other so that there is a fulfillment of the combination of two opposing concepts signified by the two houses that are in opposition to each other. A few examples would enlighten. 1st house signifies self and 7th house signifies the other. When they are mutually supporting each other with good planets in them and therefore aspecting each other, it means you scratch my back and I scratch yours. You sustain me, I sustain you, and in so doing a symbiotic relationship is formed. 2nd house signifies your own resources and 8th house signifies other peoples resources. When they are mutually supporting each other, it means the resources are pooled and combined to give the best possible productive output and result. You are very systematic in the way you handle the resources of a household or company whether financial, talent, muscle power, goods for consumptions, tools for work etc. 3rd house signifies immediate surroundings and ones own mental concepts. 9th house signifies the world is your oyster and the concepts of the masses. When they are mutually energizing each other, it means you are able to tap the superconsciousness of the masses and the masses are able to tap your consciousness too which is a good thing especially like in the field of marketing. 6th house signifies your duty and obligations, the definite boundaries in which you are supposed to work. 12th house signifies working without boundaries like in a foreign country or countries everywhere or even ones own psyche mentality where you explore the many options available. If these two houses contact each other, it means you are a good importer and exporter. Yeah!!!! 5th house signifies your creativity, your intelligence and your penchant for organization in the wider sense of the term and not just the workplace (5th is the 12th of the 6th). 11th signifies you meshing with the group, how you energize it and gel with all the group team members. When these two houses (5th and 11th) have an oversight on each other, it means you may be a CEO but you certainly in tune with grapevine in your company. You are a manager accessible by all. 4th house signifies your ability to attract kingship ie. more opportunities to have a kingly position thrust on you, the treasury of your lineage entrusted upon you and having all appointed comforts that are your rights when you are born, brought to your feet. 10th house signifies your authority in the world, in society and in your workplace, that your rightfully earned through painstaking effort. Your earned karma in this current lifetime which is usually good and also the karma that are ordained for you in this life. If the two houses contact; comforts, glory and eminence are at your disposal for you seek the best for mankind and the divine has entrusted you the job for doing just that. BUT even if the above pairs of houses do not aspect each other, excepting the 1st-7th pair, the other pairs have a Bhavat Bhavam house which if strong, can actually connect the corresponding opposing houses pair. The 3rd connects the 2nd-8th pair, the 5th connects the 3rd-9th pair, the 9th connects the 5th-11th pair, the 11th connects the 6th-12th pair and the 7th connects the 4th-10th pair. 7th gives you not only what was mentioned about the 4th-10th pair but MORE. It gives you the ability to support the masses on a one-to-one basis. Everyone knows you on a personal level. And you know them too. They can knock on your door and come in talk to you to discuss their problems and also to celebrate their achievements. They like your presence. That is why the 7th house is such an important house in the chart. When you are with the masses, you win, because you standing on their side. 5th gives you not only what was mentioned about the 3rd-9th pair but MORE. You are able to harness all ideas, personal or the masses, to your own benefit and come up with important projects which are highly enterprising. You do it as a kind of fun and play (5th is the 12th of the 6th) but you do it marvelously well and with finesse and of sterling quality. People who can take work as play usually works better and more effectively than does who sees work as a chore. 9th gives you not only what was mentioned about the 5th-11th pair but MORE. You are not the CEO here. You are the Chairman. As such you have the overall sight of things in the company. After all the Board reports to the Chairman and also the CEO. Thus the Chairman just sits behind the desk and just count the pennies. International and far flung operations come under the 9th (12th is more exploring, 9th is flourishing internationally). So the CEO of each country has to account for his actions to the Chairman. 3rd gives you not only what was mentioned about the 2nd-8th pair but MORE. You are a fighter and are undaunted by obstacles (8th) and able to marshal your own resources (2nd) to counteract any difficulties thrown upon your path in the struggle for life. So you are often termed powerful by others. Others fear you for your ability to solve problems and tackle them effectively. Rahu is powerfule here and Venus here rules strategy. Moon here rules mundane affairs. Saturn is powerfully placed here. Mercury connects with all in the immediate environment when placed here. Jupiter governs listening when placed here and we know sound is so important in Vedic Astrology.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 22:04:19 +0000

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