The old story of separation has run its course and I am now - TopicsExpress


The old story of separation has run its course and I am now dedicating my life to exploring the new story. I may be an engineer, a writer, a workshop facilitator, a philosopher...but really, I want to experience and integrate the whole world into my work, my gift. There are experiences that invite people into the new story. They can be as simple as a paradigm-defying act of kindness or a living breathing permaculture model. I have everything I need right now. There is nothing stopping me but the old world definitions of practical, possible, normal, and of course the mechanisms of control such as fear, guilt, and intimidation. They maintain the status quo. The status quo is numb. Part of me is numb. I need to deepen my sensitivity. Miracles are necessary for the human race to survive and to flourish. A miracle is something that is impossible from the old story yet entirely natural from the new story. When you live the new story you will know that miracles are natural. Miracles come naturally from interbeing. In order for you to be, everything else must be. There is no separation between your beingness and the beingness of the universe. Thinking that this is true is inspiring. Experiencing this as truth is interbeing. When a miracle begins to flow, the egoic part of you that is conditioned by separation will see the miracle as power and wish to claim it in some way, or it will see it as a threat and attempt to vanquish it with manipulative logic, severing it from its source. The miracle is like a flower; once picked it dies. Our urge to pick things apart but must be overcome by our joy for experiencing the unbroken whole. Allowing a miracle to live requires that you experience it as natural. One must take small steps to transition from a rigid mind-defined world to a world of natural miracles. What is true? Your mind wants to be the authority. But truth only exists as experience. What is possible? You cannot know this. You cannot know this even if you dismantle the world. You cannot know this especially if you dismantle the world. Everything exists. Everything you need. You are needed and you exist. All we must do is begin. We have already begun. Let it be so.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 05:42:13 +0000

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