The old ways of being have to die for the new to become of you. If - TopicsExpress


The old ways of being have to die for the new to become of you. If you are holding onto old habits old routines that dont allow you to grow, expect to go through a rocky ride! The new energies we are now surrounded in and with on Planet Earth will not tolerate excuses for any of us anymore. Whatever you are being faced with now that is not making you feel good - face it with all that you are and MAKE THAT CHANGE NOW! The new YEAR the new YOU starts NOW! You dont need a New Year to make that change NOW. Every day is a new day for you to change, embrace each day knowing this. Experiences on Earth are becoming faster and faster for all of us. People all over the world are being faced with things to deal with the new way of living as each of us walk in the New Age Earth. The old ways of being and doing things have gone and how you used to do things will no longer work for you. 2015 will show to each of you this true fact. 2014 brought through a new level of souls who have awaken t their new consciousness of seeing, hearing and thinking and speaking. Old ways will keep you in the dark of old experiences amplified with more darkness that was bring you no joy. If you have a drinking disorder, face yourself and get help otherwise you will die. If you have a drug addiction, face yourself and get help otherwise you will die If you have an eating disorder and overweight, face yourself and get help otherwise you will die. If you have a disease of any sort know you can heal yourself - YOU have this power. If you have issues with other people in your life that you just cant fix, look at the reason why this is happening - heal yourself, forgive and let go. Dont chase old patterns of how you have done things before, they just wont WORK! This Christmas has been painful for me to see in so many eyes. I see so many people in old cycles fighting themselves blaming other people for their shit lives they are living talking about things that are years old - unaware they are totally responsible for their own creation that manifest for them. Stay in your light of knowing. Knowing not to get sucked into old ways of being - being around those who just dont SEE who they have become through their own thinking patterns that are keeping them in the same reality. Self-loving of being aware and awake of everything that is happening will become stronger and stronger for you. Be compassionate around those who dont understand YET - but dont get sucked into their talking that is feeding their reality. Be the light of Silence and walk your path with strength showing them that what you are doing they can too. Choices have to be made NOW - no - more - excuses! 2015 here we come - hold on tight this ride is going to show humanity SO much more! I love you and with each of you.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 12:43:45 +0000

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