The older I get, the more I see life as several shades of - TopicsExpress


The older I get, the more I see life as several shades of Gray. Things arent so black and white after all Because Im the Celebrity Landscaper, I tend to use nature in my morning musings. Since I was kid, Ive seeked to understand. Now as a man, my understanding comes in daily. All of this is due to my willingness to stay open. My willingness to be brave and see life through the eyes and ears of many. Even when I naturally prefer to see life like you see things, in my own way. I care deeply for both the planet and its inhabitants. I also care deeply for myself. Life is a delicate balance of thoughts understandings, awareness and expansion. Nature is my teacher, guide and friend. We can all relate to weeds in our garden. There are plants that we like and others that we despise. Often times we despise them merely because WE didnt plant them. They just showed up. Some weeds actually offer a multitude of benefits. Some offer nutrition, and essential oils, while others are considered building materials or forage. I hope you realize that every plant, somewhere in the world is a weed. And every weed somewhere in the world is a desirable plant. Any horticultural gardener knows that weeds are a thing of beauty. These unexpected volunteers show up in the garden when conditions are right for them to grow. Yes they are cause and effect. They are also opportunistic. These sempiternal seeds lie dormant until the perfect timing and conditions are just right. Then, Hello! They show up! Weeds are easy to deal with if you catch them early while theyre small. Allowed to thrive grow and develop, they can both benefit and/or do damage to your garden. Weeds rob nutrients and take water and sunlight from your more desirable plants. I said take but one might say share. Since who or what could really take and steal the sun. Weeds penetrate deep within the earth to loosen the soil and if theyre tilled in these nutrients are returned to the soil surface where they can be used and taken up by other plants. A weed can properly be defined as a plant out of place. A plant thats true potential has yet to be discovered. They are also defined as pests. Yet theyre a natural occurence in life here on earth. Weeds are plants that naturally, with ease and grace, do well where your foreign and what we call exotic plants would not. Weeds are sometimes edible and sometimes poisonous. If not for you, for the birds, the bees, the butterflies, etc. Weeds have latin names and common names just like the plants you enjoy and buy from the nursery and plant in your garden. Weeds in your yard are very likely a desirable plant or plant cousin in another space, in another city or country. Weeds are a part of life! Theyre not good or bad. They simply are. Several shades of gray I tell you. #MoreThanALandscaper #TheBook
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 13:36:36 +0000

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