The one thing I have learned in the mighty swamps and bayous of - TopicsExpress


The one thing I have learned in the mighty swamps and bayous of life is that Life is crazy and never a dull moment , And totally unpredictable, you need to quit worrying about yesterday and forget About tomorrow and live just for today Living with Chronic Pain, RSD/CRPS or just plan life, it at times is going to push you off the pirogue and your going to get wet, and going to try a drown you while youre down And push you hard when you try to get back up. Not everything can beat you. Only if you let it Things are going to change you, but change is good and will make you wiser and stronger You my Brothers and Sweet wonderful Sisters get to choose which ones you let change you. It’s your choice. Listen to your heart; for you heart know best Follow your dreams, And let no one tell you what youre capable of. The world is you’re for the taking and that is a fact. Push the limits, push past the boundaries of your life. Bend the rules, And enjoy every minute of it. Laugh at everything, what you dont laugh at smile at Think about it life, life is very funny, it your point of view that’s can make it funny or not again that is your choice When your feeling your worst, something is going to be a little funny thing and even make you smile. I know that for I have been there and seen that Live for as long as you can. Age means nothing. Some people are young and dead in the heart. Love all, hugs all, smile at all But trust with your heart, for your heart is never wrong Believe in yourself first, love yourself, be the best that you can be And never lose faith in others or your own situation Settle for nothing, but only the best for you, the things that make you happy And give the best you have in everything you do. Take risks from time to time, risk are good for the soul and keeps you young Live on the edge, from time to time, its good for your growth, swim in the swamps and bayous of life Yet stay safe and sound And cherish every moment of it and your time Time is the amount of breath you can take, no more, or no less Life is a gift, here today and can be gone tomorrow Appreciate all the rewards, because you do have so many And jump on every opportunity that makes you happy and smile and don’t look back Not everyones going to love you, and that is all right because this is called life But who needs them anyways right? The world is still going to turn and its there loss Challenge everything and everyday, And fight for what you believe in. Back down to nothing, Please do not let your pain and stress win But give in to the little things in life, that really don’t matter anyway After all, that is what makes you the great person that your are You have to be happy with the person you see when you look into the mirror Forget the unnecessary stuff that happen or who cause it But remember everything, Bring it with you everywhere you go. Learn something new from it and try to lean something new each day you have and share, the good, bad and the ugly And appreciate criticism; you can learn form it Hate nothing, Life is to short to hate, just move on and say next. But dislike what you want. That is your right Never forget where you came from, Be the best you can be And always remember where you are going. Live Life to its fullest, And have a reason for everything and give back, if it no more than a smile or a hello To someone that might be their world at that moment in time Even if your lives becomes totally insane and trust me, sometimes it gets there. Find your purpose in life and reach for the starts or moon And Live it, Love it and Remember it, and Share it It’s you choice to be made, not anybody else but your. Have a safe and fun weekend Sending out Cajun hugs, smiles, hope, love Coffee time
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 13:33:36 +0000

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