The one thing you, Mr. Giuliani and Al Sharpton have in common is - TopicsExpress


The one thing you, Mr. Giuliani and Al Sharpton have in common is that you are both are compulsive liars (and losers) that stick to one side no matter what. Your statements today were worthless sacks of trash just like Sharptons are during the week. Its amazing you focus your answers on people like Sharpton and not some of these other hosts like Beck and Hannity that have caused tons of violence and problems. I remember your line a while back about how the Iranian students got all scared of Ron the Actor Reagan and let the hostages go back home. Gee, thanks for your input. We wouldnt want to see a Dem take any credit, would we? How bout the attack on the Marine barracks killing 283 of us in 1983 sent by Reagan as Peackeepers in Beirut of all places. Can you blame Carter for that one, too, there ahhh Rudy? And selling guns to terrorists and thugs to all come back to haunt us in later years. We are still paying the price on Iran-Contra. Ill say Sharpton stinks and that show he has stinks, but its just a show like Hannity has a show. NBC was stupid to have it. Guys like you (Rudy) and the Bush family along with Dick Cheney have ruined our defense for our own turf and sent everyone 7000 miles away to help foreigners. Maybe you and Jeb can form an alliance to see what OPEC nations you need (or dont need) to attack next. If you (Rudolph William) and the other numbskulls involved had been so good and up on things 9-11 would have a been a normal Tuesday and the degenerates who performed those atrocities would have been caught ahead of time, and you would wouldnt have seen the tragedy happen. Bush 43 teaches a kindergarten class wondering what to do next. You join in the after-effect causes. And Richard Cheney goes into temporary hibernation. Not gonna work. Giuliani has been criticized for ignoring the ongoing threat to New York City from Islamist terrorism in the years between the World Trade Center 1993 bombings and September 11. Prior to September 11, Giuliani reportedly never referred to the 1993 bombing publicly except for a single metaphorical reference in his inaugural address not referring to terrorism. Giuliani also reportedly never discussed the threat of terrorism with the U.S. Attorney in his district, and had to ask Henry Kissinger for background information on Osama Bin Laden after the September 11th attacks despite the fact that Bin Laden had previously declared a Fatwa against the United States; the Clinton administration had established a section of the CIA devoted exclusively to hunting Bin Laden. Jerome Hauer, Giulianis emergency management chief between 1996 and 2000, later said that We never talked about Islamic terrorism. We talked about chemical terrorism, biological terrorism. We did talk about car bombs every now and then. I dont think there was much interest on his part [in Islam terrorism]
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 20:44:51 +0000

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