The one thing you wouldn’t want if you worked at NSW Fisheries - TopicsExpress


The one thing you wouldn’t want if you worked at NSW Fisheries is a sense of self respect. Because so much of the stuff they do is unscientific, agenda driven, and just plain silly. I remember maybe fifteen years ago when the whale cult started to build. That is, the ridiculous idea that humpback whales and dolphins are endangered by humans. The only people who could believe such nonsense would be someone who’s never been offshore and seen how many swarm off the coast. But because NSW Fisheries is now the enforcement arm of the Pew Group and multinational green corporations, they have to play along. So, around that time, the crew and I laughed as we watched Fisheries staff and parkies play resuscitation with a giant fake dolphin, on Quarantine beach. Now that dolphin and whale watching tours are so popular in Australia campaigns to ‘save’ those two have been put on the back burner. How are you going to pretend something’s endangered, when every year tens of thousands of tourists see hundreds of them just outside the Heads? So like when ‘global warming’ turned into ‘climate change’, a new story has to be concocted for the punters. Which brings us to great white sharks. They are under no threat whatsoever from man. If anything, it’s the other way round. But because Big Green has declared them endangered, the bureaucrats have to play along. Four government agencies, for one shark? How ridiculous. Thanks to Matt Dean, for the link: ++++++++++++++++ Hi Andy, I know you love articles like this so I though you would enjoy the read of tax payer money being spent wisely….
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 08:26:37 +0000

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