The ongoing move to change the name Christmas and to stop the - TopicsExpress


The ongoing move to change the name Christmas and to stop the Christians right to celebrate Christmas traditions in public is nothing new. Always Be Ready - Dr. David Jeremiah When Martin Luther helped launch the German Reformation, he emphasized the wonder of the Incarnation; and from that heritage came many Old World celebrations that still yield an evocative Christmas. Many of our modern traditions hail from Germany. But when the Nazis took over in the 1930s, they tried to change that. In his book, Hitlers Cross, Erwin Lutzer wrote, Since Germans had for centuries celebrated Christmas and Easter, Hitler had to reinterpret their meaning. Christmas was turned into a totally pagan festival .... Carols and Nativity plays were banned from the schools in 1938, and even the name Christmas was changed to Yuletide. Lutzer points out that the same changes are happening today. In every age the devil wants to minimize the wonder of Christ, who came into the world to be our Redeemer and Savior. We cant control a secular society, but in our own hearts we can sanctify Jesus as Lord. We can always be ready to give a reason to everyone who asks us about our Christmas hope and heritage. But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you.1 Peter 3:15 Note: Many of you no doubt see me posting Bible scriptures and devotions often here on FB and I know some may not like me doing so and may think Im a radical. But as the Bible verse above states we as Christians must be ready to give defense. So as long as I see people in our country trying to silence us Christians from our rights I will exercise my rights of free speech to post them for people that like to read them. Those who dont care to read them are free not to read them. So Ill continue to say Merry Christmas.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 02:52:29 +0000

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