The only difference between a paternity fraud victim and a - TopicsExpress


The only difference between a paternity fraud victim and a stepparent is that the paternity fraud victim has been subjected to a lie and, precisely because he was subjected to a lie, some courts seek to deny him the right to end financial support, a right that is uniformly given to exiting stepparents. Specifically and solely because he was victimized by the original paternity fraud, some courts will perpetuate his victimization by imposing forward going financial burdens upon him, which stepparents do not bear. The stepparent enters the relationship with the child knowing that there is no biological connection and, despite that knowledge, affirmatively acts to begin providing support for that child. When the stepparent, male or female, wishes to exit from the financial relationship, there is no question that he or she is absolutely allowed to do so. In contrast, the paternity fraud victim has a financial relationship with the child that is founded upon a falsehood. The paternity fraud victim has not been given the chance to make a voluntary choice to provide support to a child despite actual knowledge that he has no biological relationship. When the fraud is discovered and the paternity fraud victim wishes to cease providing financial support to a child, his case should be stronger than that of a stepparent who entered into the financial support relationship with full knowledge that there was no biological connection. Instead, the paternity fraud victim is never given a choice. He is first lied to in order to establish paternity and is then denied relief when the lie is exposed. The court thus becomes party to both the perpetration and the perpetuation of the victimization. The talk about preserving relationships as a justification for refusing to vacate false paternity establishments is a complete non sequitur. Our most elementary understanding of human nature informs us that a man who is free to follow his voluntary will in pursuing a relationship with a child will have a better relationship than a man who is filled with rage and resentment because he continues to be forced to make involuntary payments on the basis of a falsehood. If anyone actually cared about the best interests of the child in maintaining a relationship, they would hasten to make amends to the paternity fraud victim, compensate him for the abuses he suffered at the hands of the government, and thank him as we thank Boy Scout leaders or volunteers at Big Brothers who choose, as free men, to establish or continue a relationship with a child not their own. To read the rest of the article: freerepublic/focus/f-news/1868176/posts
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 13:00:49 +0000

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