The only encounter I need to experience God happened 2,000 years - TopicsExpress


The only encounter I need to experience God happened 2,000 years ago on a cross, one man, not a band with flashing mood lights. The edification of man seems to prevail over the glorification of God Himself. The Charismatic movement despite how big it is(27% of all Christians and 8% of the worlds population), characterizes Christians of various denominations seeking an ecstatic religious experience and spontaneity. The charismatic movement is characterized by a floating authority. Emotions, experiences and dreams are very important in this movement and are often quoted as justification for certain non-biblical actions or beliefs while continually giving the Holy Spirit credit for such feelings , ideas and actions even if they disagree with the plain teaching of the Bible. Emotions are not always right and what we feel is not always true or to be trusted for the heart cannot be trusted Jeremiah 17:9. Prophecies or prophetic words should fall in line according to Scripture(Deuteronomy 18:20-22). A perfect example is tongues( IN A PUBLIC CHURCH SETTING, OF COURSE), speaking in tongues is a sign for unbelievers(1 Corinthians 14:22). It was a gift to preach the gospel in a language they had not learned. Acts 2 many Jews from sixteen other areas of the world heard the Gospel in their own language and were saved. SALVATION, THATS WHAT TONGUES WERE FOR! TO BREAK THE LANGUAGE BARRIERS SO MANY COULD BE SAVED IN THE EARLY CHURCH and AS A TEMPORARY SIGN TO THE UNBELIEVING JEWS( See 1 Corinthians 1:22;14:21-22). Speaking in tongues was another of the many signs of an apostle(2 Corinthians 12:12) which are not mentioned again from 2 Corinthians to Revelation. It was a gift that did not have to be taught, even though many churches today teachpeople how to speak in tongues, and pray in tongues in public services without interpretation(1 Corinthians 14:6-19, That the WHOLE church be edified! HOW CAN THE WHOLE CHURCH OR EVEN ANOTHER PERSON WHO IS HAVING HANDS LAID ON THEM AND PRAYED OVER IN TONGUES BE EDIFIED IF THEY DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT IS BEING SAID AND THERE IS NO INTERPRETATION?????YOU MAY BE GIVING THANKS WELL ENOUGH BUT NO MAN EXCEPT SELF IS EDIFIED(1 CORINTHIANS 14:17) . Acts 1:8 makes it clear that the filling was for the preaching of the Gospel. Many times in the book of Acts people were filled but they did not speak in tongues, (see Acts 4:8,31; 9:19-18; 13:9,52). Of the seventeen times in Acts where people were saved, only three of them was tongues involved. 1 Corinthians 12:28-31 IS VERY CLEAR THAT NOT EVERY CHRISTIAN WOULD BE GIVEN THIS GIFT, WHICH IS LISTED AS THE LEAST OF THE GIFTS. The Corinthian church was very carnal, so the book of 1 Corinthians was written as a rebuke (see 2 Corinthians 7:8-9) to correct them. Thats why there are guidelines to be followed given in 1 Corinthians 14 to be sure that everything was done in decently and in order. ANY CHURCH THAT ENCOURAGES SPEAKING IN TONGUES SHOULD ENSURE THE GUIDELINES ARE FOLLOWED OTHERWISE, THE HOLY GHOST ISNT THE ONE MOTIVATING THE TONGUES SEE -DEUTERONOMY 13:1-5; 2 THESSALONIANS 2:9-10 AND MATTHEW 24:24 WHICH SHOW SATAN CAN ALSO WORK THROUGH THE MIRACULOUS. Now some would say Im a killjoy, but I truly believe a life of striving to be lovingly obedient, walking in humility, and self control, rather than self edification and exaltation, is what glorifies God more than flashing mood lights, smoke screens, and $150,000 sound systems and tech teams and self edification. Ive always had a tough time accepting and approving the idea we need to set the mood for worship like God needs to be romanced. Loving Obedience is the highest form of worship John 14:15, that was Christs mission to obey The Father perfectly. He accomplished that, refusing to be exalted in the here and now and I believe the same should be for us. He gave us that same command in The Great Commission Matthew 28:20, teaching them to obey everything nI have commanded. Then a promise is given, Lo I am with you always ....
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 18:09:35 +0000

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