The only gap that I have seen in these explanations of the purpose - TopicsExpress


The only gap that I have seen in these explanations of the purpose of life is that everyone seems to refer to the fact that the purpose of the life is worship but no one explains the purpose of worship. If this link is resolved, I believe the purpose of life would make a lot more sense to some of the atheists. The purpose of the worship is attaining perfection through submission. The submission to the creator means indulging your self to a belief the every knowledge and beauty originates from the creator, who is the only source of goodness. Human beings and nature has beauty, intelligence and laws because everything originated from this creator. Logical reasoning is absolutely dependent on knowledge and facts critical to reach truth. For example looking at the world from a rooftop may not be enough to reach the conclusion that the earth is spherical. It might be logical to assume that the world is flat according to the limited observation but it is not the truth. Absolute scientific modelling requires all critical information to be known in order to give accurate model of nature. There are things that can be discovered through scientific reasoning in our life time which would lead humans to survive and not get extinct. There are also other things that can wipe human beings from earth just because of not practicing certain social norms. For example family system and social structures of Europe and America is such that they have negative population growth. Which if adopted by the whole world will lead them towards negative population growth hence our genetic pool would become less random making diseases more capable of wiping human beings. Imagine of these life styles were adopted 1000 years ago when we had much much higher death rates. The result would had been extinction. These are some issues that creator has sent knowledge to human beings in order for them to become more less prone to imperfection which would result extinction. More importantly these are lessons recorded in history for humans to understand the necessity of submitting to the creator. The whole process of becoming perfect begs humans to possess all the critical information required to make the best decision. It also requires humans to be able to go against their desires in order to implement those best practices. The whole purpose of life is to tame our hearts and direct ourselves to submission to the source of all knowledge in places where we are barred by our limitations. All these knowledge, order, energy are temporary grant for humans to reflect understand and tame their hearts and direct themselves towards the source of all knowledge, power and beauty. So that we can thrive in our next life with an absolute clean soul that has the capacity to receive knowledge and light from the creator himself with out hindrance. The purpose of life is cleansing of soul, so that we can connect to our creator and attain perfection.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 20:57:22 +0000

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