The only purpose for modern hospitals should be that of promoting - TopicsExpress


The only purpose for modern hospitals should be that of promoting the betterment of life (including that of life-saving triage surgery). Instead, most current hospitals are designed primarily to further the massive profits of Institutionalized long-term “chronic” care & Western Allopathic ‘”symptom-based” Medicine. When was the last time a major hospital explained to a family the benefits of using Diatomaceous Earth or apple cider vinegar & baking soda, or handed out samples of curcumin, apple, apricot & pumpkin seeds, or Burdock Root, or nascent iodine…or invested in Hyperbaric Oxygen chambers instead of more CT Scanning machines & chemotherapy wards… Based on all my research into the mainstream Medical Mafia, I have come away with one prevailing conclusion: The whole foundation on which symptom-based Allopathic Medicine is built runs counter to the holistic principles of the human body, a medieval construct which has been undermining natural immunity since its inception in the early 19th Century; unleashing a cat’s cradle of hybrid cancers on our communities at large. Our children have also become breeding grounds for laboratory produced pathogens, bacterium & rogue, weaponized viruses. The advent of “Herd Immunity” has done more to damage “natural” immunity than any plague or war experienced through the history of civilization. The entire methodology behind vaccines, including the manufacturing process itself, is rife with problems. We have become nothing more than statistics on a graph, vessels in a multi-billion dollar Industry out of control; one beholden to its own relentless greed. We were never meant to die so young nor suffer the litany of infections, disorders & diseases now plaguing our lives. I am now convinced that there is but one path out of the mess created by Western Allopathic Medicine and all its hazards & mistakes: Just walk away. What I am advocating is making a clean break, by completely divorcing yourself from all their rhetoric, all the toxic products that are peddled in the name of mainstream medicine, and returning to that sacred path on which our ancestors still stand. Their knowledge is your strength. You certainly won’t regret it. Join us! VRM
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 04:02:32 +0000

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