The only real answer to hate greed and indifference is - TopicsExpress


The only real answer to hate greed and indifference is unconditional love. Hey everyone, after taking a longish break from Facebook Im back to see if I can be disciplined enough to only spend time here when it makes sense. I think one of the things that makes the most sense in the world is spreading happiness, joy and love. Unfortunately there are those who see what i see when I look at the world very very differently, those who look at war, not with sadness and grief, but who see it as an opportunity to make money, to gain more control and power, more resources, and dominance... let me state that: for a LONG long time I have not wanted and felt unable to believe this... So I can understand if that happens to you too. But based on their (those who see themselves as the owners of this planet) actions, which have been recorded very vividly, by thousands and thousands of different sources, you can see they have no intention of stopping doing what they are doing, this is why people like myself and all sorts of spiritual activists are taking their quests here on earth seriously, to stop these criminal warlords. What can we do about these completely LOST people? We have to speak the truth, and raise awareness, they are like parasites, draining the life and joy out of our civilisations from inside out... So we have to be the opposite, completely the opposite, to seek, know and speak the truth relentlessly, and I believe, we can only do it together. They will not stop of their own accord, that much is clear, we have to give and show them tough love, FORGIVENESS (they are still part of the human family, but they disregard law and consider themselves above it, witness Alan Greenspan saying the federal reserve is above the government and cannot be stopped by it just 1 example of hundreds), by ACTION, removing them from their places of power, and making their methods of control entirely obsolete (fear based mind control through the media, resource control, money based fractional interest rate debt slavery, e.t.c, e.t.c). Dont get me wrong, Im not saying these are the only bad people in the world or anything like that, for we are all reflections of one another, and there is plenty of totally mundane evil and wanton destruction which also needs to be stopped, but this high power international GANG which respects nothing except profit and power, to which life is not sacred but something to be exploited, MUST BE STOPPED. And we as humanity can no longer afford to go to war, to indulge in violent illusions and the myth of separation. Remember: the only answer is love, love can find a way, everything else only finds excuses, delaying tactics, or its way back to love... Who is with me? What are we going to do about it? I think dance, song and handing out information is a good place to start. Last Saturday night I danced like there was no tomorrow and around 300 people appeared and at least 100 joined in after watching me for a while, people told me youre a hero youre the lord of the dance, youre the one and indeed, i believe I AM, and that everyone else, any one who wants to be, can be too ... https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=266941830173855&set=pcb.266942003507171&type=1&theater We have a purpose. We are the truth, we are the hope, the love, the joy, and if we dont confront this darkness, it will keep spreading. Brothers and sisters, let us push through this collective dark night of the soul humanity is experiencing, all it takes is a critical mass, and if you are reading this, You are IT!!!!!!!!! if you have never heard about the criminal international gang which starts wars for profits and resources, then a good place to start is the documentary film Ring of Power https://youtube/watch?v=H2CVAnRByfgor Kymatica, also, a general look into history, digging beyond it all just randomly happened, nothing is random, everything has a reason, finding the reason is difficult, but there is always one. Personally a few years ago: I went to an introductory meeting at the grand freemasons lodge in Germany and they told me they worship Lucifer... The brothers and powers of darkness really do exist. Remember: We have the honour of reminding all humanity what our essence is, that love and forgiveness are real things, not just words, only to be found in books, LOVE IS OUR ESSENCE! It is what makes our heart beat. Otto Mahatma Pinkus Torres Sevan Bomaer Jean Imonestar Santos Bonacci Russell Brand David Andrew Bryson David Partida Montoya Philip Alford Nick Alder P.s, its not an exclusively jewish thing like some people talk about, its anyone and everyone who has given up on humanity and sells out souls for money.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 11:52:01 +0000

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