The only time in American history that an entire House of Congress - TopicsExpress


The only time in American history that an entire House of Congress has sued a sitting President of the United States happened last week because that President passed a law to help grandmothers get better care at the hospital and parents offer their children a healthier childhood and working families afford the costs of taking care of the people they work so hard for in the first place. After Obama and Democrats found a way to pass universal health care, Republicans voted 50 times to repeal or cripple the new law. 50 times. Republicans voted 50 times to hurt you and me and the 291 million American citizens that make us who we are. They spent nearly $50 million dollars doing that, enough to build an elementary school or two and still have money left over to buy books and buy every kid at that school breakfast and lunch for who knows how long. But Republicans dont care about schools or books or food for undernourished kids. They dont care about building a brighter future. Their leader, John Boehner, has said outright that its number one priority is rolling back Obamacare, a healthcare law representing the luckiest break women and young people in urban and rural areas alike have caught in decades. They dont care about your beloved aunt battling fibromyalgia, or your first-born son navigating the world with autism either. They dont care about your daughter the brilliant young scientist who aspires to greatness, if theres even a world left for her to actually do great things for after Republicans are done with it.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 00:22:32 +0000

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