The only vote right now that needs to be made is on removal of - TopicsExpress


The only vote right now that needs to be made is on removal of corporate lobbyists from Washington DC. If we take away the corporate unlimited financial buyouts of the voice and choice of our elected officials, we, the people, of the United States of America, will have found that we once more have a voice in matters that concern us and a means to affect the changes needed to make this country a better place. When we say DOWNSIZE the Government, we mean the lobbyist billion-dollar corporate accounts. We also mean removal of the tax-free zealots who spend their worshipers offerings on buying votes in the Capitol. The churches have as powerful a voice as any major corporation in Washington DC. Apathy toward voting for the correct candidate for the position of leading this nation, deciding where to spend the tax dollars we, the people pay every day of our lives (and the tax dollars that those, the corporations take away from the United States every day of our lives) - such careless attitudes are what got us into Iraq instead of Afghanistan, into Afghanistan and Pakistan, spending billions of dollars on attacking randomly selected targets overseas, sending billions of dollars in cash to buy information from greedy, desperate civilians who most likely had no clue what we wanted, but needed the cash. Apathy toward voting will bring ruin - further ruin than we have seen - to the people to the human beings who struggle day after day to pay their bills and must choose whether to buy fuel for their car to get to work or food for their bodies to stay alive while working. Apathy toward voting will allow the foolish cons to take even more control of this country and destroy every opportunity for any and all American Human Being Citizens to even hope for the American Dream of living well, having a good life, enjoying the liberty of this once great republic, which has been decimated by greed and apathy, and possibly pursuing happiness if they ever get the chance to earn enough money to even try. If we do not participate by reading information, becoming informed, learning about the positions and influences of our candidates, then making wise and educated choices in our elected officials, we might as well just walk off a cliff and hope that the clouds of garbage in the ocean will give us a soft landing. We must make our voices heard. One Vote is One Voice. Every Voice counts. If you do not vote, you do not have a voice. And if you have no voice, you do not count. SO VOTE! Get Registered. Make Your Voice Count!
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 12:07:47 +0000

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