.. The only way around the Constitution is to collapse they system - TopicsExpress


.. The only way around the Constitution is to collapse they system …. Then the left will put into effect their version of what America should be …. Obama is so overloading the system that it will collapse which is the idea …. Its not just one issue such as Immigration or gun control or the Environment .. Its hitting us from all sides right now … This is Obamas playbook …. If Americans , both the left AND right knew what was ahead for them they would be rioting in the streets and in all probability we would have a revolution in this country …. We are in the cattle shute right now and we are the 2nd cow back and cant really see with any certainty of what’s ahead .. Americans will soon be at the number one slot looking at the killing floor ahead and then they will realize what they’ve done .. It will also be too late at that point … Obama calls this “Hope and Change” … I call it “Communism”… Virtually everything the left does is Communism but they will not ever call it that due too the negative connotation of that word … The farther the left strays from the truth the more they hate it when someone speaks the truth … Liberalism is not a “Mental Disorder” .. It’s a religion … It gives Liberals all the hope , compassion , warmth , feelings of well being and peace that traditional religion does , but it does so without the perceived negative stigma Liberals associate with traditional religion …. Liberals don’t even know its a religion .. They are the “Useful Idiots” Lennin talked about …. If you talk logic with a Liberal and have some intellect you will absolutely frustrate them into calling you a racist or some other epithet and then they will just walk off … By talking logic you’re shaking their confidence in their religion .. We’ve seen this in George Clooney many times… If Hillary Clinton gets elected she will continue with the “Obama Playbook” no matter how much she distances herself from him… Distancing herself from Obama is simply politics for her to get elected …
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 01:56:30 +0000

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