The original Walter Mitty I am one of the few last ones who has - TopicsExpress


The original Walter Mitty I am one of the few last ones who has watched The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty. Just watched it on Friday night. I read the novel when I was a young lad and liked it. The movie is a modern version which is quite different than the book. The movie was a bit slow but I found it amusing. There was a gentle climactic ending which I wish had been built up a little more to be more triumphant. Nonetheless, I enjoyed it. I give it two half thumbs up. Lol! Definitely worth watching when you are well rested and interested in an introspective film that is inspirational. The movie is about a man named name Walter Mitty, played by Ben Stiller. He lives a very mundane and boring life but works at Life Magazine in the negative department. He is a bit timid and lacks the confidence he needs to get what he wants in life. His only excitement in life lies in his vivid and amazing day dreams he has. He constantly finds comfort in his day dreams to escape the pain of reality. His day dreams are quite humorous but all too frequent for Walter. He is so deep in it that he lives there more than reality. Many times he is oblivious to those who are even calling out to him because he is in the zone. When I was young, I was Walter Mitty. My life was fraught with negativity, chaos and hopelessness as I have described in my book, Dare to Imagine. My only hope was living in my day dreams to escape my pain. Any time life would get more challenging, I would escape reality by going into my day dream to find peace and comfort. I too was extremely timid and shy. I was socially inept. I forgot how bad it was until I watched the movie and then I realized and remember how bad it was. Sad and painful memories they were. :( However, like Walter, I found my way back home and found my true salvation. In the movie, Walter company is in a process of laying off staff. Walter s last duty for the company is to develop a negative for Life Magazines last issue from a renowned photographer played by Sean Penn. However, the heat is on when Walter cant find the specific negative, #25. He then goes on a quest to find the photographer and perhaps he would be able to shed some light on the whereabouts of the negative which will be used on the cover of Life magazine. Walter goes on a wild goose chase searching for the photographer around the globe. Through the process of finding the negative and the photographer, Walter finds himself and no longer lives in day dreams or fantasies. He no longer watches life from a distance but gets involve with living life. He learns to live in the moment, cast away all false beliefs, trust in himself, develops his confidence and find himself at last. I liked the ending of this more than the book which is more dark. Likewise, I went on a journey to find the meaning in life. I got involved with life and travelled around the world, met all sorts of people and studied all I could about the meaning of life and finally broke through the Matrix and found myself and my salvation. The one scene where Walter is long boarding in a beautiful highway with no cars( I believe in Greenland) was the epitome of a long boarders dream. That was my dream a few years back to long board a long stretch of road and do the beautiful art of sliding around the curves which Walter did so beautifully with makeshift slider gloves. ( sigh). I think I am getting a little too old for that because that sport can be quite dangerous. For now, I will long board through the universe like the Silver Surfer. LoL!
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 20:45:28 +0000

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