The other Day Jason Paul Gilbert posted a Video of bagua, and for - TopicsExpress


The other Day Jason Paul Gilbert posted a Video of bagua, and for the first time I saw a lot of what is missing from Traditional Japanese Karate and Kyusho(Dim Mak), how a great deal is hidden in the most simplistic moves. As The Martial Science(Real Battle Proven) transitioned to the Marital arts( Schools and various institutions of training ) from the hidden combative training only taught at night and in secret in Okinawa, a great deal of corruption and misinformation was introduced and whole sections either forgotten or lost and never passed on except in all but a few Family(Clan Styles) the keys to the main teaching apparatus( Katas, Forms ect) was lost, and with it went the secrets of Chibudi ( Correct Hogon name for Kyusho Jutsu or Pressure Point striking(Atemi..) This was further compounded and corrupted by the transporting and teaching of a phoney or false form of Tang Hand(Kara-te) that went by the same name of Karate Do (Empty Hand Way) that was formulated by Anko Itosu and Made famous and spread by Gichen Funakoshi, but history does record this but in a romanticised and glorified version, when in fact what Funakoshi taught he knowing did so being aware that it was totally different that the Okinawan Combat Science, also secondly that he had made a clandestine agreement with other to not teach the Japanese any real Okinawan Combat techniques nor pass on correct nor accurate information about it, which gave rise to somethign totally diffrent or as Funakoshi himself Stated A far cry from what he had been taight in Okinawa., the third part of this travesty was that Funakoshis Teacher was told and also was aware that he was never taught advanced Martial Science of Okinawa, but strength Building routines, but never anything real or real combat application, nor the interpretations to may of the hidden moves and gestures in Kata, to which his best student quoat him in saying he had no idea what many of the most simplistic moves or meanings of kata were on top of both he and Funakoshi never being taught Dim mak. This unknown fact of history has never been made public, and is not commonly known by many, but as a consequence it gave rise to two forms of so called Karate, 1, The Koryu Styles, or Old School Styles,(Bujitsu) 2. The Gendai Budo or Modern Karate or (Budo) the first is the actual combat science with its Dim Mak knowledge intact, the second is taught more a religion and a form of recreational sport..totally devoid and bereft of any Dim mak or real pressure point discipline to speak of, and this is what is sold and taught to the Japanese and the General public throughout the western Hemisphere, under the false term of self defense, when infact it is worthless in real time combat.. and will in all probability get you killed in a real fight To give the reader an Idea of what I am talking about here in our group I will show how a basic Kata is practiced and learned in a Gendai Budo Ryu(school) as opposed to the way it would have been taught before the contamination and corruption were introduced. The original format and curriculum (or custom) was 3 to 5 years on one Kata before progressing to the next. now its about 1 year per kata, and its learn more as a dance that is just practiced with occasional bunkai and oyo( try and figure out its true meaning and application..) This is the Naihanchi (ナイハンチ) (or Naifanchi (ナイファンチ), Tekki Kata the first taught to every beginner in all the Shorin Ryu(Shaolin School) styles of Karate, it is a very simple kata and very short, but here we will see how it has evolved and is practiced today... and this is the end result and all that is usually taught cocerning the kata, how to mimic the correct movements.. https://youtube/watch?v=vewbBy4dUEo Here is the Longer Version with the Dim mak(Chibudi)))Kyusho taught as its being explained and most likely how it was originally passed on from Teacher to student, such as where to Strike(Atemi), what the movement mean and their effects on the opponent( TCM-Dim Mak) , bottom line the Keys to the Kata and its true application, in real time combat, not just mimicking the movements of the Kata and having no idea what you are really doing.. because at best, without a knowledge of Dim mak and TCM bunkai is at best a very very poor guess, to say the least.. https://youtube/watch?v=ErzcL-nULnQ this should help to awaken many out of the false sense of bravado and invincibility and delusional self confidence,as it dawns on them the Karate they were taught is not the real Okinawan Kara-te(Tang hand) which has real Dim mak as a part of its training, but they have been mislead and given something that sound and looks like the real thing, but are infact being had and taught a childrens version of Karate...
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 12:13:34 +0000

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