The other day I heard that ignorance is not knowing what you dont - TopicsExpress


The other day I heard that ignorance is not knowing what you dont know. Hum....I never considered myself ignorant....tried to keep up on trends, news etc. However I was so ignorant of something for so many years and unfortunately the circle of people I was in only added to the problem....because they were just as ignorant. I might add that ignorance definetly breeds fear. And so the very thing that this community teaches and walk by faith....they at the same time often are teaching fear in their posture. However when one is desperate for answers, one will move out of their comfort zone, as I did, and explore new frontiers. Many times that comes out of necessity , often which is from health issues .As they say Necessity is the mother of invention. When you do that, you maybe labeled a heretic etc. You now become of target of ridicule because you are moving out and they arent comfortable with your decision, as if it were their business. God never chastises for asking the questions. It is when you blatantly disobey or walk about from truth. However, I saw myself running towards truth that many were afraid to uncover for what they might find. Last year when I began writing the book about medicine from a Christian perspective, I was really not even sure where to begin! I knew that I had found something in this world of alternatives, however that was not enough. I needed to be able to convey why this was not just some kind of hocus pocus snake water scamming that I was into. You see for over 3 decades I had found chiropractic to be an amazing help in getting my back to move, but now I was starting to get into methods and protocols that even I didnt really understand how they worked. As I prayed for guidance and wisdom, the LORD was silent at various times. However, I was sure that HE was the ONE that put it on my heart to write this book. Believe me....if I wasnt....with all the work entailed.....I would have stopped working on it. And yet, I am still finding that people....even when there is scientific proof with fact to back some of this medicine up....that will say....I really dont believe that. Then I really have to scratch my head. Really? I sometimes you really think that you are so much smarter than God? But more about that in a bit. The amount of people that are critics about things they know nothing about is astounding. If you say where did you get your information from? Many times you simply get an answer like I just think that, or I believe that. And if you press for a deeper answer they simply just dont know! Why are we so mule headed? I think on some levels it comes from our background. Nonetheless, to be so closed minded that new information and discoveries cant penetrate into ones mind.....its rather sad. Now understand I am promoting some of the new methods of schooling, or false doctrine etc. I am talking health and recovery from illness here:-0 So now, if you have gotten this far in the will get a glimpse at what I am writing in the new book. So as promised I am going to share a small piece from the book. One of the biggest issues I faced in writing this book was of course where to start, but most of all.....I wanted reliable sources. Writing from a Christian perspective it was crucial to me to find worthwhile information based on science and most of all truth. I needed to see what harmony I could marry between the WORD of GOD and Alternative medicine. It took months of searching and researching, but most of all praying! Now I want to share with you my most amazing accomplishment! It was learning that energy was the answer to all my questions about health! Nicola Tesla said that if you understand energy, you understand the universe. I am sure my Christian friends are cringing! However in my book, I break it down so that as layman we can really grab just what that means to us! Sure you say...everyone knows that....but where do you go from there? How does that apply to medicine and good health? Again I am giving you a peek at the work that has taken me hours upon hours to learn. Our bodies are all at from 62 to 78 MHz. That is generally a healthy frequency. Some say we only go to 68 MHz. Regardless, our body operates on a frequency. Therefore everything can either enhance or break down that frequency. A positive thought will raise your frequency 10 MHz and a negative one will decrease your frequency by 12 MHz. Once your body hits 42 MHz you are open to colds flu etc. God said take every thought captive. Why? HE knew the power of the mind to heal or destroy the temple HE had made! There is so much more to share of this subject....however, I would like to leave you with this. God spoke the world into existence and that came on a frequency.....think about it....what does that mean to us?
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 19:05:26 +0000

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