The other day I was caught up in the Atlanta snowcolypse debacle - TopicsExpress


The other day I was caught up in the Atlanta snowcolypse debacle and stuck in the traffic with two of my boys for 10 hours. Tired. Hungry. Stressed. Terrified and exasperated are only a few of the adjectives I could use to describe my feelings during that time. The biggest emotion that I felt was just Helplessness. This was simply an emotion that I am never comfortable with... Ive always been that girl who makes things happen and not just let things happen in my life... Always in control. So when my large SUV spun around on a hill of ice the total feeling of helplessness was somewhat foreign to me.... What do you do when you feel helpless? How do you respond? Do you respond? The only thing I knew how to do was to pray. Be still and pray. After taking control over my truck again I decided to get it over to the nearby gas station where we simply stopped everything we were thinking and doing and prayed. My 12 year old asked God to wrap his arms around us to protect us and to cloak us with his strength so we would feel mentally and emotionally strong enough to get back on the road again. The 10 year old asked that God reveal the shields we needed to lean on to help us get home. And I prayed that instead of feeling helpless that God granted me the power to feel hopeful again so I could deliver us home safely. You see, after driving 8 hours so far I was feeling weak...Mentally, physically, and somewhat spiritually because I didnt see the movement on the streets that I wanted to. I felt like I was losing faith and I forgot to pray. I forgot that my God was the one really in control and that he had already ordered my steps. As I tried to just use my mind to help me figure out how to fix this I forgot to use my heart and my spirit to lead and guide me. So deciding to pull into the gas station allowed me to refuel, re energize and rejuvenate --- my Spirit. Eventually me and the boys were able to make it home safely but I was reminded of a few things that day... 1. If faith can move mountains it can surely move you too. Hold on to it because it will be that shield you need to lean on when needed. If you allow fear to paralyze your faith then you will never be able to walk again. 2. Sometimes we just have to let people love us. We have to let them help us. We have to let them believe in us. And we have to let them pray for us. You see, being that superwoman or go-to-guy can be a lonely and isolated position when we end up in the same position that we were originally started in. No matter how hard we try. We begin to think that we can Do it all. Handle it all. Fix it all. Transform it all. Without anyone else. And without letting to and letting God. Wrong. This wont work. We need to be loved and taken care of so that we can love and continue to take care of others too. But we have to allow it. We have to remember that prayer changes everything so accept them from others. During this crisis I needed to allow my husband to venture out to try and find us to help. Although I initially thought it was best he remained home I had to allow him to love and protect us the best way he knew how...Even if it meant he risked his own life driving on the ice to reach us. 3. Trust in God. Know that no matter how scared, confused and frustrated you are, filling your heart with Gods love can only make you feel better, stronger and more capable. Pulling into that gas station and praying with my boys allowed me to reclaim what I thought I lost during my crisis. I became better, stronger and more faithful for it because I recognized that what is Gods will is not always Mans way but I needed to listen to what God had to say... Its been 3 days since I was traumatized but at this point I am over it and can simply reflect on it and learn from it. Feeling helpless is still not a favorite emotion of mind but now I am ready for it...I have my weapon of mass destruction--my faith. And I plan to use it the next time the world is spinning around and Im ready to just jump off. Lesson: Life can be rough sometimes and we feel a range of negative emotions---sometimes our faith and trust in God gets mixed up in our hurt, fear and confusion and we forget to just stop, be still and pray. But we have to. Somehow, some way, despite and in spite we have to touch our hearts with the Word of God---once we feel him within us then our spirits will be refueled and we will be ready to get up and begin again. Believing that prayer changes everything makes you understand that you are never really helpless afterall. Dr. Adair ~2014 WhiteGirlSpeaks
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 12:57:14 +0000

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