The other day I was chatting with a lady who pleasantly asked me - TopicsExpress


The other day I was chatting with a lady who pleasantly asked me of the craziest thîng I have done my entire life. After much thought I finally settled on this. Having completed my cpa exam on 10th June I decided to pay my mother a visit. The journey from Kitale town involved taking a vehicle at #Ksh80 and a motorbike at #ksh70. That was the only money btwn me and poverty. When I reached the Matatu ştage I told the conductor ' Niko na 80bob' and he allowed me into the vehicle. Three quaters into the journey, I gave him a #Ksh100 note and asked him for#20bob balance. ' Gari ni mia jamaa' the heavily built man retorted. After much negotiation in my 'Bongo swahili accent' I realized my deficit waş going to be real. Without thinking,I asked the driver to ştop the vehicle for me to alight which he did.As I carried my bag towards the door I muttered a few words before shouting ' Nyi Wakenya mna mzaha, Haya ondokeni tuone mtakapofika' What followed was paşsenger after the other getting off the vehîcle and demanding their fare back. One even offered me 500 saying that 'huyu kijana anakaa c mkenya anaeza fanya tupate ajali'
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 15:07:33 +0000

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