The other day I was watching a video of how a revolutionary idea - TopicsExpress


The other day I was watching a video of how a revolutionary idea of a billboard in Peru helped solve the water problem in a small village there, which is when I sat back and thought, instead of the blame game, horse trading, pepper spraying, cloth stripping, bills tearing, circus that goes around right from parliament onwards to the anarchy in streets to the trolls in social media, what all we could do if only, if only (I was searching for the right word, and then it came), if only we have the sankalp to do it. Paradoxically, the best all encompassing word for that is our own sankalp than from any other language! The word sankalp in its whole meaning ranges from consecration, to purpose, to determination, to resolve, and to many other things beyond that which only those who have a sankalp (imagination) can ever fully grasp. Interestingly, it is so ingrained in our culture as part of our rituals from ancient vedic periods that before we launch any activity or project or karma, ritualistically we have to do a sankalp as in the sankalp mantra that says mama upaatta samastha durithakshayadwara... and all. Interestingly, all rituals start with an aachamaneeyam (signifying physical cleanliness or hygiene), followed by invoking shuklambaradharam vishnum.. tapping the sides of forehead with both fists (to signify the control of ego like a tap on the head to pray for removal of obstacles) and then an aavarti (one cycle) of pranayama (to relax and discipline the mind) followed by the sankalpa mantra that states the purpose, our determination and resolve to accomplish it and to consecrate the whole process. This is how we start any ritual in our culture and continue to do so as a ritual, without ever thinking of the significance of it. If only we imbibe the true meaning of it and have a sankalp, starting from a vision, a purpose, a determination and a resolve to accomplish what we want to do and consecrate it as a venerable deed in the good of our nation, so many things could actually be accomplished despite all obstacles. While it is all good to talk about Bharatiyata and our ancient culture, should we use that to do only moral policing on Valentines day, or for taking offence on every drop of the hat on anything that is said and many times unsaid, or should we really introspect to imbibe what is the significance of many of such wonderful concepts and use them to look forward and modernise both our thinking and nation? Where is that sankalp?
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 11:14:22 +0000

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