The other day a friend told me that they were having an incredibly - TopicsExpress


The other day a friend told me that they were having an incredibly rough day, and that they had been reluctant to reach out to me because they were feeling like it would be bothersome, or that it would be taken as complaining. This compounded the difficult time they were having and made them feel even more hurt and alone. Then, when they finally did reach out, it was at the end of a complete collapse that might have been avoided. When they confided what was going on, I was able to give the support and encouragement that I would have gladly given in the first place because I genuinely do care and want to help. But it made me realize something that’s been in the back of my mind for a while: Too often we feel like we can’t talk to the people in our lives who would gladly listen, because we don’t want to be a bother, or alternately, we might be too proud to admit that we need help. A few of the toughest things in this life are getting past the fear of being rejected when you reach out and being made to feel like asking for help is a sign of weakness. The more I thought about this, the more I recognized it was something I’ve struggled with myself many times throughout my 30 years. Its really difficult to tell someone out of the blue that youre struggling and stuff sucks right now. Although Facebook isn’t usually the channel I choose for serious dialogue, it’s the one place nearly everyone I know sees what I have to say. So here it goes: I want to let every single one of you know that if you ever need someone to talk to, to feel less alone, to vent, to share something you’re struggling with, please reach out to me. Life is hard enough without having to go through it feeling like nobody is there for you. It matters to me more than anything that all of you know that I care about you and want to be there when you need support. If I you genuinely need me and I can’t respond right away, I’ll do my best to always get back to you within 24 hours. There are very few times I don’t see my messages for more than a day, regardless of where I am in the world. Just tell me that you need to talk and we can go from there. I’m available on FB Messenger, What’sApp, Email, Phone, and carrier pigeon. You matter to me, and I thought you should know.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 12:52:29 +0000

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