The other day my close friend came to visit my grandmother. - TopicsExpress


The other day my close friend came to visit my grandmother. Masha’Allah she’s what-around 85 and really wise and full of good advice. Anyway, my friends a convert and my Grandmother was just saying to her how fortunate all of us are to be part of Islam, and how Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala chose each and every one of us specifically to be given the fuel of Islam, it’s up to us how much we ignite the fuel and turn into a flame (by practicing and being devoted to worship etc.) Then she started talking about the beauty of Tawhid (the oneness of God) and she kept on saying ‘Don’t throw this away, don’t take it lightly, it is your bloodline, don’t you remember Bilal, don’t you remember him, when they were crushing his bones and scarring him he didn’t give up this gift, he kept on saying ‘Allah is One, Allah is One’, don’t you remember the tears on Sumayya and the tears of Bilal. How beloved are these people, how treasured are they. Don’t give up this gift.’ Subhan’Allah, every time she said ‘Don’t you remember, don’t you remember’ We just started crying. Literally bawling. It’s the way she was saying-so genuine and concerned for us. The family downstairs were like why is everyone crying upstairs lol. It’s just one excerpt from one well known story, but there are so many out there, and most are not well known. We need to connect more and read more about these incredible people, the companions of the prophet. They too were husbands, wives, sons, daughters, children. Why do we always (mostly subconsciously) make this divide in our head between the current day and the days that they lived in. No. Rather these stories have been preserved for us to learn and implement their lessons into our own lives. They are relevant to us, now more than ever. We should read about the Sahabah extensively and in detail to truly look have people to look up to, let’s not fill our hearts with useless and tarnishing images, programs, books etc. Rather let’s read about the true heroes and role models that will never die. Their biographies will only encourage us to follow their path, and that path leads straight to Jannah subhan’Allah. Poeticislamblog!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 17:54:00 +0000

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