The other side is, HOW is free tuition, free food, free medical, - TopicsExpress


The other side is, HOW is free tuition, free food, free medical, free training, free healthcare and free dorm space NOT consider ample payment? So he leaves Northwestern University owing under $10,000. I can say there are thousands who would take that deal in a heartbeat. I also have to say does Northwestern Football even break even? They just did a study that said only 15 universities athletic programs run in the black. Think about all the different sports, all the coaches, all the travel, all the tuition, etc mentioned above, maintenance on all the facilities, coaches, university employees. The list goes on and on. This will do nothing except cause the university to raise the tuition to the none athlete to pay the athlete who has all the free stuff already. This coming from a Dad of two college students. One played football in college and the other might this fall. If you feel like the university is taking advantage of you as an athlete than just try for all the hundreds of academic scholarships the entire rest of the student body is fighting for and dont play sports. It is a choice not a right. Just because you can catch or throw a football does not make you better than everyone else. If you feel the deal is no good than dont take it and owe $100,000 at the end of 4 years like everyone else these days.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 16:51:32 +0000

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