"The other side of the NSA leaks has to do with what we know or - TopicsExpress


"The other side of the NSA leaks has to do with what we know or can infer about the profiles of people who get top-security clearance. If the NSA’s dragnet is designed to look for “suspicious” activity, then besides being directed towards foreigners and foreign threats, it should also be looking for people like Snowden (of course I’m not endorsing this; just considering the logic of the hunt): seeming “one of us” kinda guys: conservative, a believer in American ideals as decided and executed by the U.S. government, a former troop, a “regular guy” with top national security clearance. Who, as it turns out, doesn’t like what he is coming to learn in the course of his work, and is beginning to take serious issue with the size and scope of the project. Except that all the national security surveillance in the world didn’t catch him before he flew to Hong Kong to meet with reporters and turn over evidence of these secret slides that document an out-of-control surveillance program. Whoops."
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 17:37:09 +0000

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