The outcome of the mini-convention of the Peoples Democratic Party - TopicsExpress


The outcome of the mini-convention of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has continued to generate reactions. Politicians, commentators and activists blame the implosion on lack of internal democracy within the party. A former Lagos State Commissioner of Police, Mr Abubakar Tsav (rtd), blamed the implosion on lack of internal democracy, greed and selfishness. Speaking with The Nation yesterday in a telephone interview, Tsav said the disregard for its constitution fueled dissatisfaction among members of the party, who subsequently rebelled against the national leadership. He said: “I am not into partisan politics but at elections I support and vote for candidates of my choice based on his record and integrity. I am not surprised at the break-up of the PDP because the party lacks internal democracy. People are insincere and blinded by their personal and parochial interests rather than the nation and its people. “Greed for wealth/political offices and desire for good life and deceit, climaxed by selfishness, regardless of age, have further compounded the problems of the PDP. “This state of affairs and disregard for the constitution has created dissatisfaction among members, hence the disagreement which has led to the factionalisation of the ‘greatest party’ in Africa.” He also blamed what he called the “senseless arrogance by its leaders” as another cause of the implosion. A former presidential candidate of the defunct National Republican Convention (NRC), Alhaji Bashir Tofa, said his immediate instinct is to wish the PDP continued “badluck”, as their “goodluck” runs out. He blamed the implosion on “the gross lack of internal democracy in the PDP”. The only solution, according to Tofa, is to immediately dissolve the NWC, appoint a Caretaker Committee, with Dr. Alex Ekwueme as chairman and two respectful elders from each zone, with at least four women members, to manage the party, effect reconciliation and hold another convention in December, ensuring complete transparency and internal democracy. He said:”Stringent conditions must be placed for those aspiring to contest, especially for the posts of Chairman, Secretary, the Deputy Chairmen, Deputy Secretary and Treasurer.” Some chieftains of the party in the Southsouth blamed the crisis on President Goodluck Jonathan and others they described as “Jonathan’s wrong advisers”. A prominent member of PDP, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said never in the history of the PDP had the party been so polarised. He condemned the leadership style of the Bamanga Tukur-led National Working Committee. He said: “But Tukur is acting the script of the President. Jonathan himself is surrounded by wrong advisers who wield enormous powers. He is surrounded by sycophants who do not have his interest at heart. “Most of us from this area don’t like how some issues in the party are being handled. But, we cannot talk. If we do, they will brand us enemies of the president. “Jonathan needs to sit down and get his strategies right unless he wants to be the first sitting president in Nigeria to lose election. “If he does that and hands over to an opposition president, he will have succeeded as a political global celebrity like Rawlings of Ghana. Maybe that is his target.” The PDP chieftain said the Presidency was relying on ministers from the aggrieved states to win in 2015. He added: “But that strategy is not effective. The Presidency is saying that there is nothing Rotimi Amaechi of Rivers State can do. They believe that they can rely on the service chiefs and the ministers instead of the governors. But the governors are in control of the grassroots. They are on ground and know how to get what they want.” He lamented the faction that emerged from the party after the convention, saying the loss of seven governors and other members of the National Assembly was massive. But he said the seven governors who walked out of the PDP’s convention with their loyalists would only make an impact if they closed ranks and merged with the opposition. He said: “The governors can only succeed if they find a way of merging with the opposition. If they can subsume their personal interests and form alliance with the opposition, they will go far. “But even if they form alliance and fail to bury their selfish interest, they will fail. If they fail and Jonathan comes back, they will be like prisoners, especially the PDP governors.” However, a two-time member of the House of Representatives and member of the Electoral Committee of the National Convention, Mr. Paul Adah, said the action of the governors was not a threat to PDP. “They will fail because the leadership can find alternative leadership in such cases. They won’t go far,” he said, adding that the party has a way of dealing with such situation. He described the convention conducted by the Ken Nnamani Committee as the most credible convention ever conducted by any political party. The General-Secretary of the National Union of Textile, Garment and Tailoring Workers of Nigeria and Vice President of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Issa Aremu, said the split in the ruling party ahead of the 2015 general elections is dangerous for democracy. Aremu said Nigerians and Organised Labour would not sit back and watch democracy die. In a statement made available to The Nation, Aremu said it was still not too late for the political class to return to the path of democratic process and prevent Nigeria from the acid test of implosion in 2015 The statement reads: “The weekend split within the ruling People’s Democratic Party (PDP) arising from the special convention of the party held on Saturday August 31, 2013 and increasing factionalisation of some of the political parties on the eve of 2015 election is a dangerous development to Nigeria’s democracy, unity and cohesion of the country as a whole. “For some, the fun may very well be that the ruling party collapses on account of its lorry load of internal injustices. But the bigger picture is that Nigeria and Nigerian politicians can still not build institutions and agree to disagree. Democracy is definitely about contestation. “However, democracy is also about cooperation among the democratic actors. Nigeria’s democracy is tall in political acrimonies, (not even contestation), executive thuggery, bickering, elbowing, exclusion but miserably short in inclusion, cooperation, unity, friendship and solidarity needed for development of a country under-delivering for its people, like Nigeria in basic goods and services. “It is certainly not too late for the politicians to quickly return to the path of democratic process, contestation and cooperation and prevent Nigeria from the acid test of implosion in 2015. “Labour and the working people who cannot take a flight out of the country will not watch while democracy fought for with agony and pain is being undermined by new militicians whose ambition is power without responsibility to the people and the nation. It is a sad commentary that almost 15 years after we are not building political parties, one critical success factors in democratic process. “The solution is simple. Political Parties and their members must respect their internal democracy. Elbowing opponents out rather than accommodating them cannot build democracy. We cannot criminalise dissidents. That was the discredited way of the military, not the tested way of democrats worldwide. “The burden is on the president and governors as well as party chieftains to reaffirm commitment to democracy or risk losing the baby plus the mess we unfairly tie to her. In all this, the missing link is the people and the country. “There are so much quarrels and struggle for positions and positioning. It played out during 36-member Governors Forum. The quarrels are certainly not about the universities that remain closed, not about persistent electricity failures that are killing industries, wholesale dumping of goods from China that has killed local industrialisation, not about accidents on bad roads. “Certainly, these executive quarrels and sheer indulgence are not about growing the GDP, halting the insecurity of lives and properties and general welfare of Nigerian masses. It is high time we returned to development politics. So far the difference is not as clear. Indeed, the choices for Nigerian people are limited and narrowing down by the day.” An All Progressive Congress (APC) governorship aspirant in Kano State, Alhaji Usman Alhaji, said the PDP squandered its goodwill. A Niger Delta rights group, Forum for Justice and Human Rights Defence, dismissed the claims by Jonathan that PDP had been a blessing to Nigerians. The National Coordinator of the forum, Mr. Oghenejabor Ikimi, said: “We volcanically disagree with him. It is a well known fact that since May, 29 1999 Nigeria has remained an underdeveloped country and Nigerians an impoverish people on the face of the earth. “This is inspite of her abundant natural and human capital resources courtesy of the large scale looting of public funds, mismanagement of the nation’s natural and human capital resources, lack of accountability and transparency in public governance by public office holders and civil servants.” He said a recent disclosure made by a former Minister of Education showed that the Yar’Adua/ Jonathan Administration had, between 2007-2012, wasted over N10trillion in the sector. He said within the 14-year reign of PDP, Nigeria had developed “total population of about 40 million unemployed youths with a worsening state of insecurity and a looming religious war threatening the unity of nation”. He said: “Furthermore, the Nation is presently plagued with a worsening level of public infrastructural decay and public mistrust of her leaders as never witnessed before. “Nigeria now losses about 400,000 barrel of crude oil to oil thefts daily courtesy of a compromised security network. “Nigerians on a daily basis have to navigate through bad roads, drink untreated water and endure epileptic power supply while university lecturers are on strike over the infrastructural deficiencies plaguing our universities nationwide. “It is sad that while less endowed nations are busy with nation building and the development of their countries’ infrastructure; our leadership who are indeed clowns are engrossed in the acts of selfish politicking and a second term agenda ahead of 2015 whereas the entire nation is left to drift and retrogress while the people are poorer than ever before. “What a shame. In the light of the above, PDP is more of a problem rather than a blessing to Nigerians”. posted on September 02, 2013 at 12:51AM jtnng.blogspot/
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 00:44:10 +0000

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