The pResident and his Muslim Brotherhood advisors are obviously in - TopicsExpress


The pResident and his Muslim Brotherhood advisors are obviously in sympathy with ISIS’ goals of imposing the Shari’a and building the Caliphate. Thus, their conundrum is how to make the pResident appear to be “doing something”, yet actually doing nothing to harm ISIS. Becoming bogged down in fruitless negotiations in “building a coalition” fits that purpose to a tee. His campaign, even if successful (which we know it won’t be) will create another vacuum into which Iran will move as the Iraq government is so weak. Obama is not interested in re-arranging the map of the Middle East, but he knows that if the USA is attacked by ISIS-inspired terrorists, the light will shine back on him and thats probably a little more attention then he wants to draw on himself. Western civilization is unraveling as Islamic terrorism is increasing. Both are the product of intellectual infantilism. Both have created intellectual retardation because both are based on personal irresponsibility. In the West now, the State will look after you from cradle to grave so you remain an infant. Under Islam you are in fear and must obey or you will be killed, so you have the power of an infant. Over-indulgence and tyranny have come full circle! Hopefully, once football season gets underway, the public eye will be avert from ISIS, and it can resume building the Caliphate unobstructed. If only they’d refrain from these embarrassing beheadings! Its hard to keep making excuses for them!
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 21:39:35 +0000

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