The paradigmatic story concerns two Indians who meet in New York - TopicsExpress


The paradigmatic story concerns two Indians who meet in New York and decide to form an Indian Association. When a third arrives, they form a Tamil Association ; with a fourth comes the Bengali Association. And so on until there are fifteen regional associations and the old Indian Association is forgotten. One day someone has the "brilliant idea" to join the regional associations into an Indian Association. It is a funny story, and it makes us laugh, but it also illustrates our divisive character.A Swiss manager of a multinational company told me that a sure way to inaction is to put two talented Indians on a global task force. They will never agree and brilliantly argue the proposal to death. " Gurcharan Das explains the so called unity in diversity exaggeration of we Indians in the correct, saracastic and humorous manner in his book INDIA UNBOUND ( more than just a must read stuff ) .
Posted on: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 16:10:03 +0000

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