The parasite speaks his rubbish again, I left a nice comment on - TopicsExpress


The parasite speaks his rubbish again, I left a nice comment on this check it out: Very interesting, Enda is just a puppet who does as he is told by the Oligarchs who run the world. Hence Enda refuses to go onto political tv programs where he will be questioned and fully caught out unaware, hence his right hand man Denis O Brien controls the media that flushes you with propaganda. Enda actually may not be able to wipe his own backside without consulting with an adviser first. The current government are puppets for the super rich elite who control you the normal person on the street. They dont care about you they just want your slavery so they collect your taxes and get richer. Economic collapses are caused to enslave the population more and to give you less freedom, rights and less quality of life. Currently Enda is so far up the Oligarchs backsides they now run the country, whilst Rothschild are advising. Notice the changes: peaceful protests = high police presence and high non tolerance from the police who try to goad the protestors into becoming violent. Remember everybody a dictatorship government which is currently what is here at the moment dont care about you they care about money and how much they can make. For a population to have somewhat of a say peaceful protests do not change anything. Civil disobedience against the current ruling regime initiates change. Always remember A POPULATION MUST NOT FEAR THE GOVERNMENT, BUT THE GOVERNMENT MUST FEAR THE POPULATION. If more people were awake this Parasite would not be in power!!!! Here is a beautiful piece that was written, will show you how a lot of things work: Before you were born, the bankers operated a scam intended to rob all members of the general public. They removed all forms of money and replaced it with worthless notes which read I promise to pay the bearer ... (with another worthless bank note). They then managed to do away with the government and replace it with a group of commercial companies which they own. They cunningly named these companies so that they look like a government. They took over the printing of the worthless bank notes with their private company called The Bank of England which is meant to sound like a government organisation (although it most definitely isnt). The next step in their cunning plan, was to get their company which sounds like the government, to ask their other company The Bank of England to print them lots of (worthless) money and to charge interest on that money, over and above the face value of the currency. This excess interest amount is called the National Debt in order to fool ordinary people into believing that their country somehow owes somebody large amounts of money. Firstly, there is really nothing owed at all. Secondly, there IS no money. Thirdly, the country does not owe anything, and in the unlikely event that there were a genuine debt, then it has nothing to do with ordinary people as it is just a notional debt incurred by one commercial company to another commercial company (owned by the same people). This supposed debt has been boosted over the years to a ridiculous level which could never, ever be paid off, and you will no doubt be glad to learn that all income tax is now paid to the owners of these commercial companies. Isnt it great to be paying vast sums of money to a commercial company which has never done anything for you and which holds you in utter contempt because you havent discovered their scam and continue to pay lots of ridiculous taxes, fees and charges, none of which you need to pay at all. Combined, these charges amount to about 80% of a persons earned income - do you enjoy living on one fifth of what you actually earn? To strengthen their scam, they have invented a language of lies called legal terminology or Legalese where they have changed the meanings of ordinary English words in order to abuse and rob ordinary members of the public. They have set up a company called The Law Society to train up unscrupulous people in their methods of lies and deception. Their commercial company which pretends to be the government, keeps inventing new statutes which they pretend are laws (which they most definitely are not) and they keep telling everybody that they must obey these laws, and they have subverted policeman and policewomen and convinced them that they have to enforce these statutes. The primary aim of these statutes is to take banknotes, goods and property from members of the public who have not yet discovered that it is a scam being run against them. Many police officers are probably themselves ignorant of the fact that statutes are purely optional and no human is actually bound by them. Just to clarify the situation, breaches of The Law are dealt with in a genuine court with a jury. All other matters, such as taxation, bank loans, parking restrictions, speed limits, and the like, are dealt with in a fake court which is a commercial company and part of a violent protection racket style scam which is wholly unlawful, but enforced by violence, threats and intimidation using bailiffs and police to protect the bailiffs from being attacked. What you decide to do is entirely up to yourself. You can continue to give away most of your income to fund people who want to harm you, or you can decide to step outside this corrupt system, and stop paying these people. All humans are born equal, so there is nobody who has the right to order you around, unless you agree to give them that right. The choice is yours.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 09:00:02 +0000

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