The past 24 hours have been pretty wonderful for me. Im 51 years - TopicsExpress


The past 24 hours have been pretty wonderful for me. Im 51 years old, mother of two, married, homeowner, employed, and most of the time capable...and Ive been a kid again. All because my uncle is here and it feels like Christmas. When I was very young, my parents lived in places like New York City and New Hope, Pennsylvania, and even Jackson, Mississippi where we didnt have family around and most of the time - as they were earning their livelihood in the theater - money was tight. So, every Christmas, Mom insisted that she get back among her people and wed trek from wherever we were to home - Thomaston, Georgia. It was a time that we could count on seeing everyone as Uncle Harry came in from California, and wed all be together for a few days. I remember sleeping in the back seat of the car and waking up to see the choir angels that were on the square and the lights adorning the courthouse. Walking into the house and seeing Nana in her green chair and Pops in his blue one and Gammy in the kitchen making something wonderful for us to eat. Chess pie and vegetable soup were always involved. Wed curl up in the large bed in the basement room and every morning Id awake to the smell of bacon frying in an iron skillet. Gammy cut each slice in half because it was more manageable for her to cook that way, and it was years before I realized that this was unique to her and to Mom and not necessarily the proper way to cook bacon. The days were spent visiting people from town and the evenings were spent watching variety shows, listening to everyone talk, and sitting down to a wonderful meal. The piano was usually employed and there was always something to do - but reading the gift tags under the tree was not one of them. Our family would write funny tags so that youd have to read them and guess who the gift recipient and giver was. Anyone who got under the tree to read ahead would get in serious trouble. Made a huge impression on me as Ive never been a package shaker or been tempted to go searching for my Christmas presents in advance. Once, the year my aunt married, I accidentally found a pair of small pink shoes somewhere in the basement that were intended for me to open on Christmas morning. I had no idea and got in serious trouble with my mother who didnt believe that I wasnt snooping. Again, just reinforcement to leave well enough alone under the tree. During some years, Santa would show up at the door and I was still a staunch believer until I was eight years old. Having a sister six years younger had benefits, though, in that I received gifts from Santa until I was well into my teens. Worked for me. The only downsides to Christmas morning were the lights on the video camera that would temporarily blind you and it was impossible to see what you received and the fact that my folks insisted that everyone in the house be up to witness us finding our toys. Again, no peeking, and bless my sweet uncles heart for dragging out of bed after only a few hours of sleep to see what I now know hed already seen a few hours before. Christmas Eve was normally spent at Aunt Junes (one of Moms high school best friends) where she and Uncle Harry would go and play cards and laugh for hours. I remember the table of goodies out there including divinity and all sorts of sugar laden delights that I was happy to enjoy. Id normally fall asleep out there at some point and I remember driving home with a blanket around me and the back seat window cracked just a little so I could feel the cold air on my face. It is still one of my favorite memories. And probably why I keep the house insanely cold during the winter. That and the fact that I also keep it quite frigid during the summer and I have to get Alabama Power back somewhere. Christmas morning took hours to get through primarily because thered be breakfast and several phone calls. I had to get on the phone and say Merry Christmas to any number of relatives because thats just what we did. When Big Dave joined our family and Gammy put him on the phone to someone hed only met once...he looked a bit like a deer in the headlights...he learned to disappear if the phone rang in subsequent years. Then wed sit down and read the gifts and unwrap one at a time...sometimes taking breaks...oftentimes catching yet more phone calls. Eventually, every gift would be unwrapped and then Gammy would head to the kitchen again to begin preparing lunch - which would be eaten off of little plastic Christmas tree shaped plates. Spode, it was not...but it was tradition...and if my family taught me was to respect tradition. Those Christmases of long ago started changing as they tend to do when we had our own children, and work schedules, and lack of time off during the holidays. Everyone started going to my Aunt Pittas house in Atlanta, and we carried on here in Alabama starting our own traditions. So, right now feels a lot like Christmas to me. Having Uncle Harry in my home and eating Gammys vegetable soup and chess pie. Playing games at the table with all of us and remembering the joy of Christmas past in Christmas present. It was a beautiful gift to me this Christmas. To have the effort made to share some time with my family because he had a few extra days to do so this year. Im blessed. So, Merry Christmas to all of you out there who are embracing people that you love and havent seen for awhile. Those of you missing people that you wish you could share this time of year with as you have in the past. Those of you who are creating new traditions that will be the memories of your children and grandchildren when they are 51 years old and thinking back about the joy you are creating right now amid the busyness and when you think they honestly couldnt care less. They may not care today...but one day they will. And to those of you who are spending your first Christmas without someone special...know that this year may be a little raw and you may not feel the joy through the pain...but it is still there waiting for you to heal just a little bit. Im feeling a little of that myself this Christmas as it is the first in the 32 years that Ive known Big Dave that his parents arent here to celebrate it with us. I miss them...but I still feel their love and the joy they created through the years and especially at the holidays. And I cherish those memories...just like I do those of my sweet Gammy and Nana and Pops. Enjoy your day...whatever it brings...and Merry Christmas everyone. :)
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 12:35:50 +0000

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