The past (almost) 11 months have been some of the most happy, - TopicsExpress


The past (almost) 11 months have been some of the most happy, emotional, and stressful months of my life. Today I called Tricare to get an update on Saiges authorizations for the Cochlear Implant surgery. I dont think the representative realized how critical the information she was about to give me really was. She said in a not so excited tone, Well, Maam, I only see two authorizations here. One for follow ups with the surgeon, and one for the cochlear implant surgery itself, and theyre both approved. SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! As the tears rushed out of my eyes down my face, I couldnt even get out a Thank You, but babbled something and said good bye. I now know that if you set your heart to something, you will accomplish it. I knew from the start that Saige would get what she needed, no matter the circumstances. TJ and I were prepared to do whatever necessary to ensure that Saige were able to hear. Knowing that Saige WILL in fact get to hear sends sparkly shivers up my spine. There is no set date for her surgery yet, but we will get there. But for now, LETS HEAR IT FOR SAIGE! I am most looking forward to hearing her and Aspyn laughing together as they grow. I cant wait for her to turn her head to her name, for her to sing, to dance, to hear her mama, daddy, family, and friends tell her how much we adore and love her. Saige and Aspyn are the apple of our eyes and we feel so fortunate to call them ours. I look forward to experiencing all these new things with Saige. We try to be the brave ones, not show our pain or hurt, but the most bravest one is Saige. I will update when I know more! Thank you to everyone who continues to support and love our gorgeous gem, Saige! xoxox
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 20:21:58 +0000

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