The past few days I have been thinking of all the stories in the - TopicsExpress


The past few days I have been thinking of all the stories in the bible when God was answering prayers but the people didnt realize it. I recall thinking in the past how could they miss everything God was doing for them?!! Most of the time it was impatient people wanting things right away. Then it hit me....I am very guilty of the same thing. Over the past three weeks God has answered so many of my prayers. I want to share a few things I am very thankful for and maybe if anyone else out there is struggling with wanting things right now, maybe you also could write a list of everything God has done or continues to do! My Thankful List (I am sure I am leaving tons of stuff out) - On the way to the accident scene I prayed for God to let my son live. He is alive!! - I am so thankful for the two gentleman who pulled my son from his car and prayed over him . I have been told that it was only 2 minutes later that his entire car was on fire. I also thank God for putting them there at the right time! - I am thankful that LifeStar was able to have my son to the hospital within 40 minutes after his accident occurred. They later explained they thought they were called to dispatch but it was actually a misunderstanding. - I am thankful that Austin is breathing on his own - I am thankful that we have tons of family, friends and even strangers praying for Austin and our family. The love and support that you have showed us is overwhelming. Eventually I want to hug each and every person who has prayed for him. - I am thankful that we are at Shepherds Center. They are amazing! - I am thankful for a God that hears every prayer being lifted up. - I am thankful for the truth of scripture. So much more I could go on for hours! Please continue to pray for Austin and our family. Your prayers mean more to us than you will ever know. In my distress I called upon the Lord ; to my God I cried for help. From his temple he heard my voice, and my cry to him reached his ears. Psalm 18:6
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 00:27:36 +0000

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