The past few days some chums have been asking why we dont just - TopicsExpress


The past few days some chums have been asking why we dont just shut up and go away, referendum is over, democracy has spoken.. I want to try to explain why it is not so simple and have reflected on this in recent days. Apart from the obvious that we re still waiting for change..sorry if I am long winded :) Ive been involved in campaigns for so long, sometimes it seems life is one never ending campaign, but this was something quite different. It was bigger than anything ever before, a marathon rather than a sprint, and one which gathered momentum over the last two years. Hubs of people sprung up from all over, maybe a couple at first meeting in somebodys hoose, or the pub, or a hall, and over time, the groups got bigger. A broad church of groups and individuals from all walks of life, from all political parties and none, all ages, backgrounds..many who had never done anything political in their lives before.. People came with passion ,ideas, knowledge and humour, most of all they came with hope. From Shetland to the Borders, soon it seemed like there were so many Yes groups we had lost count, flourishing groups of people with the desire for an independent Scotland. There were of course politicians and Yes Scotland, but what blossomed was the incredible grassroots campaign...we had no mainstream media outlet whatever anyone tries to say the evidence is there in almost every paper in the land and on every national news channel. We realised very quickly that we had to be creative in getting our message over and that is what we did. I have heard criticism that facebook was taken over by bullying Yes people. There will always be idiots on both sides. Passion and enthusiasm make people type before thinking and it is too easy to press the send button. I dont think people realised we had no mainstream media outlet but social media and for that reason you saw and are continuing to see the enthusiastic (albeit irritating) yes supporters. I havent liked hearing people criticise no voters, people voted as they did for their own reasons, as they are entitled to do and it is divisive to continue this, we need to build on what we have learned to make this country even better and stronger. Ive had folks moaning about the 45 on our pages. Its symbolic, its almost half those who voted, and it shows that almost 1.6 million people wanted better and demonstrated that...despite the full weight of the Westminster establishment, business and the media. I hope that next time, and there will be a next time, that we will build on that 45, it is not some exclusive club, it is a reminder that we are not some minority group and cannot be ignored by Westminster. In essence, what has happened in Scotland this year, is an awakening of our political conscience, so many people involved, understanding what is going on, wanting more and wanting better for all our people. Community empowerment at its best, there is nothing more powerful than people. I truly believe that the days of politicians making decisions about the future of our nation are numbered, and I welcome that, the communities of this nation have been shaken not stirred and we are not just going to slip quietly back into the comfort of ignorance again. On a personal level, I watched and felt the candle of Yes grow from a wee flicker into a burning flame, it was positive and gave people who had previously been disenfranchised hope. Maybe last week we didnt win the majority vote, but that flame has far from gone out, it is burning brightly in the hearts and minds of so many people in this land and forgive us if we cant just shut up and go away... Good night friends The personal view of a Yes campaigner :) :)
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 23:03:42 +0000

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