The past, present and future have to be uniquely human measures, - TopicsExpress


The past, present and future have to be uniquely human measures, for the unchanging God is present in each reference of time because of His eternal existence. "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, yes and forever." (Hebrews 13:8) As an adolescent, I used to think in terms way beyond my understanding, trying to make sense of my place in this world. I wondered about the future and the massive size of the universe; I asked myself questions like: Who am I? What is my purpose? Where am I going? I realize now (having been saved at age 35) that I was lost (past), born dead in sins and trespasses (past) but now am found (present) because "God demonstrates His love for me that while I was yet a sinner Christ died for me" (present - Romans 5:8) and sealed (present) unto the day of my salvation (future.) I refer to the past by saying "I was" a sinner in need of a Savior. I live in the present serving and looking forward to my eternal home where "I will" reside with Him forever. However, Jesus Himself never needed to say, "I was" or "I will be" in relation to His forever deity or Divine character, but almost exclusively referred to Himself in the present tense - "I am the way, the truth, and the life," (John 14:6) "I am the resurrection and the life," (John 11:25) "I am the true vine," (John 15:1) "Before Abraham was, I am." (John 8:58) And because He always is, He has no need to say, "I was." So, when I view His promise to never leave nor forsake me (Deuteronomy 31:6b; Hebrews 13:5b) I come to a personally profound conclusion. He is, and has always been, present, in my past, my present, and in my future, not able to forsake me because of His promise and because He can not be measured by time. He is timeless...It is His presence alone by which all things (this includes my life) are measured.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 03:35:55 +0000

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