The past week has been the longest, most difficult 7 days for our - TopicsExpress


The past week has been the longest, most difficult 7 days for our family. One of our biggest fears became reality. We walked together hand in hand through every decision made for our baby brother, son, love, daddy. Its still unreal. I dont know if we will ever truly grasp it... As our hearts were broken into infinite pieces, we had the love of those closest to us as well as our community surrounding us with love, support, prayers and comfort. We watched our parents deal with the worst pain of losing one of their sons. Dads best buddy. Moms baby boy. Through all of the battles they always tried their best to be the light he needed. We watched our sister in law and precious Chloe in heartache of losing the man of the family. The one woman who could give him comfort. The one he needed. The one who carries the gift of his legacy. We watched our other baby brother lose his best friend. The brother he grew up with side by side. More memories than we could imagine. We watched our oldest brothers say goodbye to a brother they didnt get enough time with, living their lives away from the Rez. We watched our brother who overcame the obstacles they shared, go through the emotions, what ifs, what could bes. We comforted our children, his nieces and nephews. Some who shared a lifetime of memories with him and some who were cheated in getting to know their uncle. We watched our cousins, aunties, uncles, our brothers friends mourn the loss of a unique and amazing guy. My sisters and I sat in silence many times, shaking our heads in disbelief, minds going from empty thoughts to reality crashing in then anxiety wondering what we should be doing. Trying to protect and support our family through it all. I have always loved my family. I have always felt blessed to come from a big family, lots of parents, protected by my older sisters and brothers, and the chance to be a big sister to my two younger brothers. The experiences I had growing up have made me the woman and mother I am today. This car accident has changed our lives forever. It brings up memories of other losses in life and gives reminders for the days ahead. Thanks again, to everyone who stood by our side, prayed for us, took care of us, carried us through till the end. You dont realize how much it means until you have walked this path in life. Im praying that my family can rest knowing we did our best on sending our baby brother into the arms of the Creator, reunited with our grandparents, uncles and aunties, cousins and other loved ones who have gone before us.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 04:37:34 +0000

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