The past week has had some serious trials and tribulations. The - TopicsExpress


The past week has had some serious trials and tribulations. The type of situations that would normally have me so down in the dumps, but Ive had a serious epiphany- God is good, even in bad times. The first event was a tree falling on our house the night before we left for vacation. How do I find the good in that? 1.) It missed hitting Jacksons room by mere feet! (The biggest blessing of all) 2.) It also missed the main part of the house where we were hanging out with guests 3.) The tree was somewhat rotted, so it did not do as much damage as it could have 4.) My parents were able to meet the adjuster while we were out of state 5.) My Dad just happened to have a brand new (never used) chain saw 6.) Michael is off work this week and is able to do a lot of the cleanup and repair himself 7.) When inspecting the damage yesterday, Michael found an adorable turtle for Jax to play with (although we may have lost him later) The second event was that Jax and I were in a pretty serious car accident yesterday. The blessings in that? 1.) Again Jackson was unharmed 2.) I escaped with minimal injury 3.) The car we hit saw it coming and swerved enough to avoid a more serious impact 4.) Very kind witnesses who stopped and helped us 5.) Michael being off of work to come out to the scene and help me with everything 6.) A caring employer. My bosses reached out to me within 30 minutes to make sure we were ok and to stress to me not to worry about work... my staff sent such sweet messages to check on us! 7.) Somehow my insurance doesnt cover my rental car...but my Mom was kind enough to let me borrow her car until mine is fixed. 8.) Also the DS police department and Livingston Sheriffs deputies were so kind and helpful In the face of things that should have torn me down, I can only appreciate that God protected us from any harm. Our house and car can be fixed... my family is irreplaceable!
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 17:59:36 +0000

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