The past year I have learned alot, have gotten tons of advise and - TopicsExpress


The past year I have learned alot, have gotten tons of advise and so-called words of wisdom. Here are the Top 3 statements that, in my opinion, were far from true: 1. The firsts are the worst - WRONG, it takes a long time to come out of the fog of disbelief, we went through many firsts in total disbelief and denial. 2. It gets easier - WRONG, 13 months into this it is harder and harder everyday. There is no way to explain how unbelievably horrible it is to wake up every morning and have your first thought be of our sons that are NOT in their beds where they should be. 3. You will find happiness again - WRONG, we have happy moments, moments we can laugh and have a good time but true happiness will never exist for Dean and I again in this world because we know what it felt like to have it all and that will not happen again in this lifetime. There is no replacement for our children. People divorce, spouses pass on and people are able to marry again, that does not mean they ever forget but they can find a new life mate. Our children are a part of us that cannot be replaced no matter how many children we have. Dean and I are unable to have more children to fill the void, the quiet, the loneliness. Our girl must spend her days without her boys by her side. I never thought this would be our life :(
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 16:39:18 +0000

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