The pastoral letter of the Bishop of Gaborone, Right Reverend - TopicsExpress


The pastoral letter of the Bishop of Gaborone, Right Reverend Tsamma Seane is a welcome development in the history of Catholic scholarship and the churchs role in the politics of Botswana. Although the letter is still to be named, the current political atmosphere may suggest several names; New heaven and New earth, Emmaus, Who shall I send , The New Pentecost, or one of the great church moments in history. In the letter His Lordship reminds us of several recommendations by the Church for good governance. Namely; • Respect for dignity of the human person • Good stewardship • The rights and responsibilities of individuals and communities • Subsidiary • Common good • Respect for private property • Preferential Option for the poor The social teaching of the church provide guidelines for planning the action we should take as christian in response to the issues and problems we are facing.In this way we become aware of the signs of the time and changes of the world. Then we will be able to analise the situation of our country, our situation and our community. It helps us to decide what we should do in our political situation or any other. 1.Respect for dignity of the human person; why do we respect the human person? A person is created in the image of God. Therefore has a God given dignity. eg Justice is giving what is due, his/her due is God given. A human person is worth of respect despite of race,tribe,religion, party affiliation etc. To remind us of the dignity of the human person, the bishop is harvesting from many years of constant christian revelation. A human person has to be taken seriously, ie value what they think, what they want to do, desires and goals and support them in their weakness. It i not what you do that gives you dignity, but because you are a human being. Dignity is not granted by state or government. A human being is never a means but an end. we must guard, as the pastoral letter suggest, not use the vulnerable for political gain. 2. Good Stewardship; The principle of stewardship says that we are co-creators. Therefore we are to respect and share the resources of God. We cannot say that this is absolutely ours. eg The land is Gods and we share equally. Diamonds are Gods and we share equally etc There is no one who has more rights to say land or other God given resources. 3.The rights and responsibilities of individuals and communities; Bishop Seane reminds us that we belong to one big human family of God. As such we have natural obligation to promote the rights of all people. That means we should respect humanity, the needs, plans and goals of other. we have to be moved by the suffering of others because we are the same. The problems of others affect us. eg Gaborone- Kgalagadi. we should ensure that other are OK. 4. Subsidiarity; This principle guides those in authority. It defines their limit. It says that it is wrong for those in authority to do for individuals and groups what they can do efficiently and effectively and hard work. For example distributing food, seeds, paying school fees, giving tractors, planting- patronizing. 5. The common good; We cannot go for elections without reminding each other of the common good. The common good is the sum total of all those conditions for social living which make it possible for people to achieve their full potential. What are we doing for the common good? 6. Option for the poor; It is built on the eternal words of Jesus in Lk 4;18 - The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free. The church cannot ignore the rich either. But the rich can take care for themselves. Who are the poor? Those who are hungry, no food, no roper clothing, lack health care, unemployed,those who cannot deal with daily problems,those excluded from decision making, abused, disadvantaged. In this way, and when all ballots are counted, the state institutions and structures must continue to promote well being and be at service for all citizens. State institutions are Judiciary, forces, Health,education,information, security etc for general well being. Which party can be good custodians of state property? who shall I send? A government refer to power and authority given to representative of a particular party chosen through free and and fair election to govern all citizens for a certain period of time eg 5 years. Citizens have a right to knw before elections how each party is going to distribute resources. In communist nations the state and government are one. If you do not vote for the party you dont get employment, food etc In sub sahara many countries support government run state institutions. State structures are served by civil servants. The constitution is the law that governs the country. Hence it is wrong for governments to make constitutions. But when civil servants become partisan, they contest for elections. State structures must continue to exist no matter what party in power. What belong to the state must not be used for the party. When it happens public service becomes weak, Favoritism hold sway, Discrimination for those who are not loyal, politicization of security forces, tribal loyalty etc. What the bishop is doing by highlighting principles of good governance, is to reclaim public space. It calls for further articulation of the distinction between state and government. Jesus had passion for justice. As Christian the work of social justice is central to christian life, which promote relationship, public debates freedom, and respect for individual choices. Government must provide protection through impartial force and impartial legal system. Being conscious of what his Lordship has said, we will enable citizens to exercise... right to choose the leaders and government that will respect human dignity and create better life for all.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 08:23:38 +0000

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