The peasants are revolting..... The Martial Arts fraternity are - TopicsExpress


The peasants are revolting..... The Martial Arts fraternity are usually a passive group. Over 5 decades weve put up with a lot. The original mafia groups that controlled everything, the self serving Governing Bodies, A Sport England that was just as bad and is still only recognises structures that are way out of date as people no longer do either Karate, Kung Fu, TKD or Ju Jitsu etc. Then we have had wave after wave of scammers, from the groups with fake Tibetan Masters, Japanese Masters that were no more than a photograph of someone on a Yen banknote, the franchisers with only money as their objective, copying the worst of America and treating our beloved martial arts as just a business. The con artists telling and selling how to run a successful club whilst lying about their own success and not able to manage a piss up in a brewery. The magazines selling their front covers and contents as if they were advertising. The door knockers, the high pressure sales scripts, the idiots dressing up as Kung Fu Panda and prancing around in supermarkets, classes for babies not out of nappies and can barely walk, Badly organised shows, tournaments, loads World Champions of nothing, awards not worth the paper theyre written on, grades for money.... you get the picture. Over the years Ive pissed off a lot of people because Ive refused to give my name or support to their projects when Ive considered them to be unethical. Finally there is now a distinct active feeling that many other martial artists are fed up with it all and are prepared to put their money where their mouth is. 2015 holds promise, I will only support what I consider is done ethically and professionally. I accept that we are different and have different objectives in our training from Buddhist Priest to Street Fighter, to Tournament Champion, XMA, semi or full contact and am quite prepared to work with anyone that is not a thief, cheat or liar. But it is time to stand up, I dont point fingers and am not taking up the pitchforks and flaming torches for a witch hunt, but I will only support whats right and good for the Martial Arts and will help to build anything thats positive. I refuse to add my name and reputation to anything that I consider bad. Profit is not a bad thing as long as its earned honestly and makes the world a better place. There is a BIG revolt on its way, my inbox has been crammed with disappointed people, some are not as peaceful as me and if youve been lying and cheating dont be surprised if you are visited by those that you have cheated or lied to. Finally DO NOT GIVE ANYONE MONEY unless you are absolutely sure that it is being spent wisely on your behalf and check out properly any qualifications, awards or gradings - if its too good to be true then it probably is. Looking forward to 2015 as hopefully the Martial Arts are finally sorted out from the bottom up instead of waiting for it to be done from the top down.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 15:02:49 +0000

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