The people of Gaza once again face a relentless and murderous - TopicsExpress


The people of Gaza once again face a relentless and murderous onslaught by the Zionist entity. Images emerge daily showing the true extent of death and destruction. The death toll has already reached well over a hundred and numbers continue to rise, as the bombing of Gaza continues. Whilst the US and UK have committed unwavering support for the Zionist entity, it is clear to the rest of world that it is an occupying force terrorising the inhabitants of Gaza. Following these events we would like to make the following points: 1. The Zionist entity’s latest murderous assault proves more than ever that it has little regard for human life. They did not care that they were condemned after previous massacres in Jenin, Lebanon and Gaza. Calls for a ‘peace process’ only strengthen the Zionists. A ‘two-state solution’ would institutionalise imprisonment and oppression of Muslims. A repeated use of massive force, murderous actions and arrogance is the response of all nationalists and supremacists throughout history justifying killing and oppression in order for their ‘survival’. 2. Only armies can defend against an army of occupation. The Arab countries surrounding Palestine have sufficient force to liberate the usurped land, and end the oppression of the people – with over 2 million soldiers, spending over $100 billion on arms annually. Egypt alone has over 200 F-16 fighter planes and 450,000 soldiers. 3. The treacherous regimes in the Muslim world are the real protectors of the Zionist entity. It is only the treacherous regimes that block the Muslim armies from fulfilling their duty. Their condemnations and calls for ‘emergency summits’ are meaningless gestures while they maintain diplomatic, trade and military cooperation with the Zionist entity, as they have done before and after every criminal act of the past few decades. 4. These regimes must be replaced with the Islamic Khilafah Rashidah state – with rulers like Salahuddin or Muhammad al Fatih – that would mobilise the armies, liberate the land and rule over Muslim lands with justice, stability and harmony. Indeed, it is only under Islamic governance that this region enjoyed any peace and stability for any significant period. 5. The support offered to the Zionist entity by Washington and London should surprise no one. The Zionist entity was conceived by the British government in the Balfour declaration and has been nurtured and strengthened by the West for decades, for their national interests. They will doubtless try their best to resume the ‘Road Map’ to a ‘two-state solution’ – in their national interests – but for Muslims in Palestine, such a road would be little more than institutionalising imprisonment and subjugation. We call upon all Muslims to join the call for the existing systems to be replaced with the Islamic Khilafah Rashidah to enable the Ummah to act as it should and liberate the whole of Palestine.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 15:03:07 +0000

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