The people of Israel do have the right to live peacefully, because - TopicsExpress


The people of Israel do have the right to live peacefully, because for many its the only place they have known and the only place they have grown to love. Then, imagine the love the Palestinians have for their land, for their people, for their home. I also agree that Israel does have the right to defend itself, but so do the Palestinians. ‘Defending’ has a quite obvious definition and it does not include the murdering of innocent people. I am not for or against any nation for they are nothing but regions with invisible borders created by men, fueled by greed and ego. Nationalism creates disunity amongst far more people than it ever unites. Inherently, it endorses racism and hate instead of acceptance and love. Moreover, I dont discriminate against any faith either since none of them preach or tolerate killing of innocent people. Then, why the bloodshed? Why would Israel need to defend itself from people who don’t even have an army? If history taught us well, it’s proven that people only resist when they are pushed to their limits. Think about it: Why would the Palestinians rebel if they were able to walk on the same road as Israelis or attend the same schools? Why would they oppose a government if they were given equal opportunities, if they had equal rights? Why would they deny the ability to provide for their family? And, why wouldn’t any Palestinians speak up against injustice? Why wouldn’t any Palestinians protest if their quality of life continued to diminish? Why wouldn’t they speak up against segregation? Why wouldn’t anyone revolt if they could never leave their country; if they can’t even dare to dream? Why can’t they speak up without getting shot at? When you mourned because many innocent people had died in an attack on our nation, I condemned their action and mourned with you, regardless of their religious affiliation. When innocent lives were taken in ruthless natural disasters, I mourned with you regardless of their age. When innocent lives were lost in unforeseen tragedies, I mourned with you regardless of their gender. When the entire nation mourned the loss of innocent people, including children, in ruthless shooting sprees, I mourned with you regardless of their color. Now, I mourn the deaths of innocent people, helpless children, and only a handful of you mourn with me. Most of you choose to remain silent; you choose to remain blind. Some of you say its against your faith, and some of you say its not your fight. It makes me wonder: why it would be against any faith to stand up against this cruelty, against the murdering of innocent people, against the slaughtering of young children? It makes me wonder, what fight can be more fitting for us humans than to fight for humanity? There are no reasons in this world that could justify the deaths of helpless innocent people, especially young children. If you are reading this status, it means that there was a time when our paths crossed. If you remember well, I was just another person like you. I am a Muslim, and I am no exception. So, put aside your ego, your fear, your hatred and stand up for these helpless people. Let your voice be heard today. Do something, anything you can, because no action is too little for they all add up to one giant voice. A voice for peace. A voice for the human race. #SpeakUPforHumanity #PrayForInnocents
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 16:36:46 +0000

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