The people of Palestine are not animals. For 70 years, everyday! - TopicsExpress


The people of Palestine are not animals. For 70 years, everyday! Palestinians being murdered, women being raped! Enough is enough. This is extremely frustrating! As a Palestinian from Gaza, I am a firm believer that we were born to be killed. I’m sick and tired of bombings every other minute for decades in Gaza. I’m sick and tired of Palestinian women in the west bank being slapped left and right raped by shameless zionists. I’m sick of tired of not being able to GO TO MY OWN HOMELAND AND PRAY IN AL-AQSA because the Israeli terrorists don’t feel like allowing me and people of my type. What is the solution oh people? SOMEONE TELL ME? Bombings will stop eventually, hundreds will die, then people will forget. Then what? In another week Israel will start bombing Gaza again. And the cycle continues. What’s the solution?? Palestinians are not animals! They deserve to live just like any white american citizen. I don’t want to live in fear. I don’t want to joke around with my cousins about bombs and death. I want to SLEEP comfortably. I WANT TO STUDY PEACEFULLY. I WANT TO GO TO AL-AQSA. I WANT MY FAMILY IN GAZA TO BE SAFE. I want to be free; at least a free mind! Israel controls what we type, what we post, what we say, what we buy, where we travel, our country, your taxes, my taxes, your Facebook, my Facebook. What’s the solution?! Palestinians and Muslims around the world shouldn’t be killed continuously this way. We are not animals people. We are not animals! Can’t you guys see the truth and the game behind this? Can’t everyone see why the media focused so much on giving a bad image of Muslims? For this day! So when thousands of muslims get massacred in Palestine, Burma, Syria, Pakistan and every other muslim place, the world won’t GIVE A DAMN! Because MUSLIMS, DO NOT DESERVE TO LIVE! Wake up people. Wake up AMERICANS! STOP THE SILENCE! Kill us. But we will stay alive; I promise. You kill one, a thousand will stand strong. You kill the thousand, a million will rise
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 07:38:02 +0000

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