The perfect VIRUS STORM is brewing right here under our noses and - TopicsExpress


The perfect VIRUS STORM is brewing right here under our noses and NOBODY is even remotely aware of the possibilities. Found this just from doing a little Digging. I have my fair share of microbiology under my belt, I am far from qualified to give answers, but if we start asking the RIGHT questions maybe just MAYBE we will eventually get some answers that are more factual the the fluffed news we are being shoved in our face to prevent mass mass panic. Although a panic Is sure not the answer some precautions some take place. Below is a worst case scenario, and the way viruses spread and mutate is unlikely but very plausible. QUESTION: With Ebola coming to America and Enterovirus D68 already spreading, is there a chance the two could combine and mutate into a super mega virus that’s like an airborne form of Ebola, like an Enterobola? ANSWER: I’m not an expert when it comes to viruses, but considering Enterovirus 68 and Ebola are both a single strand RNA viruses and Enterovirus is known for constantly mutating and replicating new strains I’d say it has to be a possibility. When two or more forms of a virus combine to create a new subtype it’s called an antigenic shift. You have to remember that while viruses are not technically alive, they do reproduce and mutate antigens to avoid detection from antibodies. A lot of scientists with the CDC would probably tell you that a super Enterobola won’t happen, but they also said the likelihood of Ebola reaching America was very low and that Ebola was under control in Africa. If there’s anything for sure about viruses it’s that nothing is for sure. With Enterovirus and Ebola constantly replicating and mutating, the threat of an airborne Ebola sweeping across the globe along with the flu and Enterovirus D68 is definitely real.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 08:51:38 +0000

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