The period of the Sassanid Empire witnessed the highest - TopicsExpress


The period of the Sassanid Empire witnessed the highest achievement of Iranian civilization, and constituted the last great Zoroastrian Empire. Sassanid influenced Roman civilization considerably during their times, and the Romans reserved for the Sassanid Persians ALONE the status of equals. The Sassanid scientific and cultural influence extended far beyond the empire’s territorial borders, reaching as far as Eastern Europe, North Africa, Western China and Northern India, and played a prominent role in the formation of both later European and Asiatic medieval art and sciences. Contrary to the fundamentalist propaganda; pre-Islamic Iran was a cradle of learning and discovery in the ancient world, and the study of sciences was central to the MAGI and ancient iranians. For example, “Plutarch”, a Roman historian reports of a great academy in Ekbaataan or today’s Hamedaan, famous for excellence in astronomy, medicine, philosophy and mathematics.. He gives an account of a head faculty there, and adds that many of the ancient world greatest physicians visited this MAGI at the academy. “Plutarch” mentions similar outstanding MAGI academies all over the ancient persian empire. The Greek philosopher and mathematician “Pythagoras” is another example. It is said of him that he spent 20 years with the MAGI and learned all the secret knowledge and sciences from them. Furthermore, the Academy of Gondishapur, the intellectual center of the Sassanid Empire, was famous in the ancient world for excellence in medicine, philosophy, theology and sciences. According to The Cambridge History of Iran, it was the most important medical center of the ancient world. The faculty in Gondishapur were versed not only in the Zoroastrian and MAGI traditions, but in Greek and Indian learning as well.-
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 08:21:06 +0000

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